Saturday, May 2, 2015

'Samurai ghost' photo of mystery boots behind girl leaves many seeking paranormal explanation

Via by Debbi Baker

A mysterious photo of a little girl that appears to have captured the image of someone standing behind her – even though her father said there was no one else there - is making the rounds of the Internet this week.

At first glance of the above photo, taken last year in Zushi, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, you might not notice what appears to be a pair of boots on the ground behind the girl’s legs and a piece of a blue shirt sticking out below her left elbow.

But here is the close-up of the footwear.

What the heck?

Martin Springall, the girl’s father, said he took the photo with a cell phone last July. He insists it was not manipulated in any way.

"I took a few pictures, and when I was looking through them at night, I noticed what appeared to be a pair of boots behind her in one of the photos," he told ABC News. "I took several of her in the same spot, but only one had the boots."

He said he “freaked out” and showed it to a friend who posted it -- of course -- on the ghost section, or subreddit, of the website Reddit.

In poured the theories. Some said the Samurai-style footwear belonged to the ghost of a warrior who must’ve wandered over from a nearby graveyard.

Another person pointed out that General Douglas MacArthur had his WWll headquarters in Zushi and said the classic dungarees and blue cotton shirt in the photo call to mind a U.S. Navy Uniform from the era.

Other people drew comparisons to similarly strange photos, such as the 1964 "Solway Firth Spaceman" photograph and a 1972 picture of an “uninvited wedding guest,” which seemed to show an extra leg behind one of the men in the photo.

Naturally, many commentators simply said someone walked behind the girl, and the dad didn’t notice.

Springhall said there was no way that someone walked behind his daughter as he would’ve noticed and besides, he said, she is very shy and would not have posed if someone was nearby.

"She thinks it's a ghost, but not a scary ghost -- a nice one," Springall said.


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