Saturday, May 2, 2015

Palestine, Texas paranormal team probes the unusual

Via by Haley Hoar, Palestine Herald-Press, Texas (TNS)

Are there strange noises in the house? Ever come across areas colder than the rest of the room? Has the unexplainable ever occurred? Then maybe it's time to call in the investigators. Palestine's very own paranormal investigators, that is.

Raymond Wheeler and William Daniel, investigators with the Palestine Paranormal Investigators, hope to offer their services. The organization known as P.P.I., or more affectionately called the Palestine Ghostbusters, was founded by Wheeler and Daniel Castillo in hopes of scientifically proving the existence of the paranormal among the living.

"I love history and every investigation I go on I'm just blown away with all the historical events," Wheeler said. "One of my interests is history and that's what drives me to do it. I want to scientifically prove that there is such a thing as ghosts."

Wheeler began his love of the paranormal in Tacoma, Washington where he grew up. He it all started when his family who had been enjoying dinner heard noises from someone upstairs. He said he went to see and found a cold spot. Later Wheeler said his family's rocking chair began to move on its own.

For William Daniel, P.P.I's team leader, his interest was peeked by the 1985 movie, Ghostbusters.

"So many people are talking about vampires and hauntings and things that are going on that can't be explained, there's got to be something to all that," Daniel said. "I am honestly kind of the sceptic of the group, but hanging out with these guys I've seen things I can not explain."

The team has performed many investigations in Smith, Anderson and Houston counties including some prominent areas in Palestine such as the Palestine's Visitor's Center.

Daniel explained that during an investigation, the team alerts the local authorities of their whereabouts in order ward off suspicion. They perform a pre-investigation to gather information and background before heading out for their official investigation.

Investigations take the team to different areas where they believe that supernatural activity could be occurring. The group takes photos and carries a voice recorder which stays on at all times in hopes of hearing something of the unknown.

Afterwards, the team looks at the photos taken and in several have found what they believe to be energy orbs. Different from dust or rain spots on a camera lens, the orbs showed bits of a pattern and seemed rather translucent.

"I'm not saying that that's a ghost," Daniel said. "I'm just saying I don't know what that is."

"Orbs (are) just basically balls of energy," Wheeler. "It doesn't mean that someone's tied with it, its just a ball of energy, also when we see stuff like that, it doesn't mean the place is haunted."

Some of their investigations have brought back more than just floating energy though. During an investigation of the Four Winds Renaissance Festival, they discovered what they believe to be some aggressive activity.

"It was like people were throwing pieces of this broken glass up against the wall and like they were hitting us as well and there was no one else in this structure and we could clearly see the person taking the pictures," Daniel said.

The team has also seen the darker side of the paranormal. An investigation of a apartment complex across from Palestine High School resulted in some physical markings on former investigator, Kait Elliot from Tyler.

"She looked at me and said my back is burning," Wheeler said. "I had her lift her shirt and she had scratches on her back."

Photos from the investigation showed a spike in the EMF before the incident took place where the investigator suffered minor surface scratches.

"She quit the team over this," Daniel said. "Ray was standing there, she did not do that to herself, and that's the most direct evidence that we have."

"When Kait got scratched they were there and saw the pictures, and we don't do this, we're not Ghostbusters, we just investigate, you need to call a member of the clergy and the team pulled out," Daniel continued. "We don't go in to battle or to exercise, we go in to research and gather evidence."

Though they may not fight what they come across, it has not kept them from investigating the strange and unusual in East Texas. Their love for their hobby has brought light to many homes. Wheeler explained that after an investigation he would bring his findings before the owners or residents.

"When I tell them about what we found, some of them get a look of relief 'I knew that something was here'," Wheeler said. "Others go in panic mode and move out."

The investigators shared that all of their investigations were free of charge and that those interested could contact them via Facebook at PalestineParanormalInvestigators or by contacting Daniel at


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