Residents of Venice, Louisiana, have called for a ban on the release of an upcoming movie about the infamous Stuart House Haunting, believed to be located in a broad region between their town and the historic Fort Jackson, for fear that movie enthusiasts could get injured in the surrounding marshlands which team with alligators and other oddities.
The documentary movie, The Stuart House Recordings, is due to be released in the fall of this year and traces the story of the house, believed to have been the scene of several murders and mysterious disappearances. The movie is based on the papers of Dr. Francis Morgan, who became famous for his debunking of the Amityville horrors.
The Stuart House, located in the region between Venice (pop. 460) and Fort Jackson, and residents and local conservationists are concerned that amateur paranormal enthusiasts and movie buffs might get lost in the region’s vast marshland in search of the house.
Calls have previously been made for original footage of Dr Matt Adler’s 2014 investigation – on which the documentary is based – to be destroyed, as their contents have been too disturbing; while the editors of the movie have not been without challenges themselves, having had two members of the crew die during the production of the documentary.
Co-producers Lancelot Mallia and Kevin Bingham have been working on the movie for several years, and explained that they do not intend to release details of the location of Stuart House: “I have no idea how its whereabouts came to be known publicly, as we have kept its location secret throughout the production of the documentary so that we would not alarm local residents.”
Mallia concluded: “We are hesitant to allow the actual location to be revealed.”
Wow, Stuart House is like the Himuro mansion of the U.S.