Monday, February 12, 2018

SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch is a huge success


The world's most powerful rocket has successfully blasted off in to the heavens on its first test flight.

The Falcon Heavy, which consists of a strengthened Falcon 9 rocket core with two additional Falcon 9 boosters on either side, soared high in to the sky above Cape Canaveral, Florida today after a truly spectacular launch from the historic 39A pad at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

Not only did the launch itself succeed, but both side boosters came back in to land, side by side, in a highly impressive and controlled descent that saw them touch down within 1,000ft of one another.

The rocket even managed to deliver its payload - Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster - in to space where it was filmed against the backdrop of the Earth with a David Bowie song playing in the background.

The full stream of the event can be viewed above. ( skip to 28:00 for the actual launch )


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