Tuesday, January 5, 2016

UFO Seen Over Dubai Shortly Before Tower Becomes Inferno

Via mysteriousuniverse.org by Paul Seaburn

A UFO was spotted in the skies over Dubai on December 31st, 2015. Just hours later, a fire erupted in a 63-story luxury hotel in Dubai, engulfing it in flames and lighting up the New Year’s Eve sky more than the celebratory fireworks display. Miraculously, no deaths were reported. Was there a link between the UFO and the inferno?

Pictures of the UFO were taken by an unnamed witness who said he was on his way to work just after dawn. He told UFO investigators the disc-shaped object appeared at 6:42 AM.

I observed the object and took photos for 20 minutes – my last photo was at 7:06am. Then all of a sudden the object disappeared.

Before you say “It looks like a blimp or a helicopter,” the witness also said this of the stationary object which had no visible lights:

I looked closer and could not determine the craft. I worked as a civilian contractor for the Air Force for 12 years and am familiar with all types of aircraft. 


At 9:30 PM Dubai time, a fire began on the 20th floor of the five-star, 63-story Address Downtown hotel, turning it quickly into an inferno. Fortunately, everyone in the building managed to escape alive, with some people overcome by smoke inhalation and one suffering a heart attack. The blaze appeared to do the most damage to the outside of the building.

Was there a connection between the morning UFO sighting and the evening fire? Was the UFO there in an attempt to warn of the upcoming inferno? This was the second fire in a Dubai skyscraper this year – the ironically-named Marina Torch tower caught fire on February 21.

While not as frequently as they appear at volcanoes, UFOs seem to be showing up more at the sights of major fires. In July 2014, a UFO was caught by news cameras reporting on a forest fire in British Columbia.

In October 2014, a UFO was seen at a fire at Radio France’s “Maison de la Radio” building in Paris.

As of this writing, the cause of the Dubai hotel fire is still under investigation. Despite the horrific flames, local officials and businesses went on with the midnight fireworks display.

Was the UFO over Dubai the morning of the fire just a coincidence or was it a warning: “Forget the fireworks and run, you stupid Earthlings!”?


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