Thursday, December 31, 2015

'Time traveler' crashes car into Pensacola business

Via by Hana Frenette

A man who told police he wanted to "time travel" crashed his Dodge Challenger into a a strip mall on North Davis Highway Sunday morning.

The vehicle sped through the traffic light at the intersection of North Davis Highway and West Fairfield Drive at approximately 10:50 a.m., and traveled through the front entrance of Advance Tax Services. The car barreled through the center of the building, coming to a stop outside the double doors at the building's rear entrance.

The driver, who has not been identified, was uninjured, but was taken to a local facility for evaluation. Charges have not yet been filed, according to a press release from the Pensacola Police Department.

Sgt. Martez Lawrence said no one was inside the building at the time of the accident.

Ellison Bennett, the co-owner of Pensacola Caskets, located next door to Advance Tax Services, is waiting for clearance on re-entering his business.

"They said the building is unstable on the back side," he said. "They told us not to go back in at all until the whole building has been cleared for safety."

Debris from the office, including computers and vacuum cleaners, was strewn everywhere Sunday afternoon.

"If this had happened on a weekday and someone had actually been in one of those cubicles, it could have been very tragic," Bennett said.


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