Saturday, August 15, 2015

Swarms of flying ants descend on the UK


Swarms of flying ants have landed in Cornwall leading to a flurry of alarmed postings on social media.

Nature experts said the warm and dry weather is the main reason behind the emergence of the insects this summer.

The creatures are said to be queen ants keen to mate – after which they drop to the ground and shed their wings before hunting a new nest site to begin the next generation.

Steve Roe tweeted recently: "Flying ants are hatching in Penzance. Amazing to see but bloody scary."

Laura Bushell Hawke added: "#flyingants in #saltash, Cornwall – yuck!"

David Herjavec went even further tweeting that the "crazy number of swarms" was like "#bugapocalypse."

Despite numerous sightings around Cornwall, London is said to be the area worst hit by the arrival of the insects, leading to a number of celebrities taking to Twitter.

Among those complaining was Eamon Holmes who said: "Spent the afternoon in Totteridge , North London. Was anywhere else besieged by Flying Ants? Millions of them."

McBusted singer Danny Jones was also complaining about the insects, posting: "Flying ants everywhere!!!"

Despite concern among members of the public, wildlife experts have said that people shouldn't harm the ants and they actually could be of use, as they eat all sorts of garden pests.

Smaller male ants fly alongside the winged queens.

The queens often try to escape the males, allowing only the fastest and the fittest to mate.

The phenomenon occurs in many colonies simultaneously when weather conditions are exactly right.

The flight requires clear weather as rain is disruptive for flying ants.


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