Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ghostly figure photographed at Newark Castle

Via by Gary Carter

This could just be the moment a ghostly apparition was caught on camera.

Expert in the paranormal Lenny Low claims his picture shows the spirit of a fisherwoman during a recent visit to Newark Castle at St Monans in Fife.

He was with his partner Ruth Sinclair-Case when he made the find.

Mr Low said: “I have a book in production about the history of this area and needed some extra shots.

“It was overcast with the sun peeking through. Ruth went ahead with our dog and was out of sight looking at the stairs inside the building.

“When looking at the photos one has a strange dark blemish in the right hand corner.

“Zoom in and this character appears, walking into what would be the pantry storeroom of the castle. It looks like how the fisherwomen of old dressed.

“The doorway it’s walking into is fenced off but was the storeroom of the castle, the kitchen is next door on the left.

“It looks like a woman with her sleeves rolled up in a busy like manner. Being 100 yards from the sea its more likely to be a fisherman’s wife - one who spent her time gutting and salting the fish.”

The structure, a ruin located just outside St Monans, dates back to the 13th century.

At the time, Scottish king Alexander III spent some of his childhood there.

However since then the site has passed through several rebuilding phases.

It is most likely that the ruins currently visible are the remains of buildings constructed under the ownership of David Leslie in the 17th century and the Sandilands family who owned the castle since the 15th century when they gained the estate through marriage.

Leslie was a prominent figure in the English and Scottish Civil Wars, becoming Lord Newark after the wars.

The castle has been known by several names, including Inverie, St Monans and St Monance.

Mr Low’s St Monans book – entitled The Weem Witch - is due out next year.


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