Monday, February 23, 2015

‘It Just Sort Of Happened’: Young Suspects In ‘Slenderman’ Case Spill Details In Interrogation

The two Wisconsin girls accused of stabbing a peer for a fictional character known as the Slenderman told cops they lured their victim in saying they were going bird watching.

As previously reported, Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser are accused of stabbing classmate Payton Leutner 19 times last May 31 in a park in Waukesha, Wis., inspired by the fictional monster known from the horror-themed website

In newly-released interrogation clips of the two girls that span more than nine hours, Geyser said of luring out Leutner with the bird story: “People who trust you become very gullible … it was sort of sad.”

In another excerpt, Weier explained how after the brutal stabbing, “We told her we were going to get help, but we really weren’t.

“We were going to run and let her pass away — so, we ran.” (Leutner was saved by a passing bicyclist following the stabbing.)

Geyser, over the span of a six-hour interrogation, made clear the premeditated nature of their attack.

“We knew it was going to be at my birthday sleepover,” she said, “you have no idea how difficult it was not to tell anyone.”

The young suspect admitted to some remorse in the tragic instance.

“Truth be told, I wanted to be locked up so I couldn’t hurt her,” she said. “But, that time has passed and now I’m in here because we were so careless. I knew this would happen. I knew we’d get in trouble.”

Geyser said of the actual stabbing: “It just sort of happened. It didn’t feel like anything. It was like air.”

The suspects, both 12 at the time, were arrested about five hours following the attack, telling officials they were headed to Wisconsin’s Nicolet National Forest, with hopes of joining the Slenderman in his mansion.

One stressed that the idea behind the bloody attack was to prove the existence of the Slenderman character.

“I was excited because I wanted proof that he existed because there were a bunch of skeptics out there saying he didn’t exist,” she said. “I was afraid of what would happen if I didn’t … I didn’t want to find out what would happen if we didn’t.”

Weier told investigators she saw a vision of the Slenderman “after Morgan stabbed [Peyton],” while Geyser said of the character, “I see him in my dreams.”

As Radar previously reported, Geyser and Weier are accused of attempted first-degree intentional homicide and face as much as 65 years behind bars if found guilty. Lawyers for both suspects have argued that the case be transferred to children’s court, where if found guilty, they could be ordered to a facility until they’re 25.

A judgement in the case is expected to be handed down March 13.


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