Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Boy claims to recall past life as a woman

A five-year-old from Ohio has vivid recollections of being killed in a fire as a 30-year-old woman.

From the age of two, Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio has given strong indications that he remembers his previous life as a young black woman from Chicago named Pam who perished after she jumped from a burning building.

According to his parents he would often make references to being this woman by stating things such as "when I was a girl, I had black hair" or "I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl."

Luke even claims to remember the moment that his previous life ended and recalls the actual reincarnation process in which he was "pushed back down" to Earth as a newborn baby.

Incredibly, an investigation revealed that a woman named Pamela Robinson who lived in Chicago had actually died following a fire at the Paxton Hotel back in 1993, just as Luke had described.

The boy's case was investigated as part of a documentary entitled "The Ghost Inside My Child" in which an investigation team showed Luke a collection of images of women who were around the same age as Pamela, as well as one of her, and asked him if he was able to point her out.

To their amazement he was able to successfully pick out the correct photograph.


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