Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Red light UFO hovers over Boise as multiple witnesses watch from ground A single red light UFO hovered silently over Boise, ID, September 18, pulsing occasionally, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness database.

One observer with binoculars said the object "was made up of lots of individual circles/balls of red lights."

Other witnesses in the street who had been watching it longer, said "they could see things 'falling off' the big red streamers of light that didn't reach the ground."

Following is the unedited testimony from MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade.

ID, September 18, 2009 - An intense, large, slow moving/hovering red light tracking north over Boise city, pulsed irregularly. MUFON Case # 19570.

A group of four friends, we were walking home slowly through the Hyde Park area of north Boise. None of us had been drinking. A street fair was going on along with a BSU football game, we passed an open-air sports bar and as the others were trying to determine the score I was looking up and saw the red light.

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1 comment:

  1. I just saw the same thing last night, 12/24/2011. We live in the North End in the foothills. I went to let the dogs out around 9:30 and looked up towards the Eastern sky. My family and I saw this pulsing red light that seemed to move slowly, but mostly hovered. It was there for several minutes, then pulsated rapidly and it seemed to fall to the ground?
