Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Great Awakening: Governments & Extraterrestrial Contact If the reports of official meetings between world governments and extraterrestrials in the 1950s and 1960s are to be believed it would appear that world governments asked for and received time to acclimate their respective populations to extraterrestrial reality.

In the United States according to documents at the CIA was granted overall authority by the Executive Branch in matters dealing with the public and extraterrestrial realities. I believe part of the CIA's mandate was to develop and implement an acclamation program to prepare the public for direct extraterrestrial contact.

My contention is that world governments and the agencies given the responsibility for extraterrestrial acclamation have failed miserably for a number of reasons including bureaucratic ineptitude, government politics and sabotage by entrenched corporate special interests. Instead of developing and implementing true educational programs as had been promised, the United States and world governments implemented acclamation programs that has degenerated into programs of public propaganda, disinformation, intimidation and indoctrination.

The outcome of this sad turn of events is that much of society in still not prepared for direct extraterrestrial interactions that are now increasing worldwide as evidenced by huge increases in sighting activity. The massive sightings recently in China and India should be a wake up call, a indication to world governments that time is running out for the preparation of the public in regards to extraterrestrial realities. Even after 60 years, the majority of world populations are still confused or in denial of extraterrestrial reality.

The CIA and other agencies that have been delegated the authority for acclamation could have developed an enlightened process of disclosure and public empowerment.

Instead they have have created a Frankenstein Monster of brain dead journalists, skeptics, academics, politicians and religious leaders that threatens to devour not only its creators but all of humanity when it fearfully and angrily awakens from it's long night of the living dead.

These mass sightings in developing countries would seem to be in preparation for mass sightings in the developed countries much sooner than later. Has the CIA and the U.S. Government prepared the people for such mass sightings over American cities? It would seem that ET has decided to act out science fiction writer Arthur C. Clark's book Childhood's End, that has extraterrestrials hovering permanently over major cities worldwide forcing a rapid and dramatic transformation in human society.

Optical Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee a respected member of the USG Intelligence Community and civilian UFO community comments, "?When "they" park over cities "a la Independence Day (the movie)" I would rather own a liquor store than a real estate or insurance business. The initial response will be to "head for the hills." Then people will realize "they" can get you in the hills. Their appearance will introduce yet another uncertainty into the future of civilization as we know it. And civilization can't stand uncertainty for long. Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, Kentucky Gentleman.... where are you when I need you?

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1 comment:

  1. Great post. You always keep my mind buzzing and that's a good thing. I can't help thinking that if such a thing as aliens exist and should they be interested in us for whatever reason and wish to approach, the result will be much like the settling of America. And we will be the natives with bows and arrows against their guns, slaughtered, pushed aside, and placed in reservations. Come to think of it, liquor wasn't the downfall the Native Americans, it was the natural reaction to being invaded. I think I'll have that Jack Daniels after all...
