Betty Ann Morken says two ghosts, named John and Sam, are haunting her 80-year-old farm house. They make their presence know mostly by swiping personal belongings when no one is looking.
But, strangely, what the ghosts seem most interested in is her husband’s Levi “501” blue jeans.
“We’ve lost three pair already,” Betty Ann said. “On a scale of one to 10, I am convinced to the point of 10 that the jeans are being taken by ghosts. There is just no other explanation.”
Betty Ann, her husband and children are third-generation owners of a stolid rural farm house on the back roads of northeastern Roseau County. She moved into the house in 1987, which is owned by her husband, Doug.
At the time, Doug was remodeling the old farm house. As long as the work continued, nothing was wrong.
“It’s when the remodeling stops that things start disappearing,” Betty Ann said, suggesting that the ghosts like the renovations for some reason. At first it was mostly tools that were missing. Of course, tools are easy to misplace, and even though Doug and Betty Ann felt something a bit stranger was going on, they shrugged it off. But then a pair of 501 blue jeans disappeared.
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