Examiner.com-- Let’s talk about psychic protection for paranormal investigators. In my opinion, it’s essential to shield and ground properly before and after each investigation. I can hear the groans of the scientific types now – but this is one area where those of us who lean more towards the psychic end of the scale have the advantage over the scientists. We know this stuff exists, we know that rituals work, and we don’t mind looking silly.
Paranormal investigating can be an exciting and somewhat anxiety-producing experience. Every time we do an investigation, we’re venturing into the unknown. Practicing psychic protection is an important precaution that’s often overlooked. Many of us have our own private protection rituals that we use, but I’m becoming more and more convinced that we have to do this as a team. A team is only as strong as its weakest link and if you have someone who’s vulnerable it affects everyone. There are many reasons why a particular individual could be vulnerable at any given time. They could be exhausted, nervous, recovering from a recent illness, feeling stressed because of family or work pressures, having financial difficulties, going through a divorce or other kind of break-up, feeling the aftereffects of an argument with someone, or taking medication for depression or some other type of mental or physical problem. One or more of these factors can deplete an investigator’s energy and leave them open to negative influences that might not normally be a problem.
There are generally three main problem areas associated with investigating paranormal activities. These are:
• Psychic Attack
• Spirit Attachment
• Obsession
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