Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rise Of Witchcraft Tourism In Spain

The Latin American Herald Tribune reports that Spain, hoping to boost their tourism revenue, is developing more occult and witch-themed tours through the Basque region. While Galicia has always been a popular destination for tourists interested in pre-Christian remnants and sorcery, thanks in part to the famous Queimada ritual fire-drink, Navarre is stepping up to capitalize on the Basque witch trials and the various witch-related landmarks in the area.

“This joining of Galicia and witchcraft and the claim that there are witches in that region, however, has been superseded – at least touristically – by Navarre’s initiative to exploit the richness of its own black magic traditions. Organizers in Navarre have set up a tour through 16 towns so that visitors can seek out and get to know, without fear, the areas where Spain’s best-known witches once lived, and perhaps still do … To speak of witchcraft in Spain is to speak of Zugarramurdi, the cave where people from every social class gather to worship the devil in the form of a male goat. It is there, to the side of the rocky outcrop where the cave is found, that “akelarre” is celebrated. That term, derived from the Basque words “aker” – male goat – and “larre” – field – refers to the spot where the “sorginak” (witches) gather. Zugarramurdi is the starting point for the new tourist packages being pushed by Navarre, a magical site located along the so-called “Border, superstition and witchcraft” route.”

In addition to the “Border, superstition, and witchcraft” route, there is the “First persecutions of witchcraft in Navarre” route, and the “Mountains and caves, between mythology and witchcraft” route, which explores sites sacred to the Basque goddess Mari.

1 comment:

  1. Original soundtrack inspired on the Zugarramurdi cove.

    Zugarramurdi caves are located in the north of Navarra in the Basque Country, certainly, Zugarramurdi and its surroundings are a place of beauty difficult to overcome as equal their stories and myths, taking as topic these stories I have composed a original soundtrack music entitled "Zugarramurdi Caves" the music, expres from my optical the feelings of all those stories. Audio mp3, wav and others, stereo sound, instruments, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitars, drums and other, you can hear the soundtrack on ... , you enjoy with the music.
