Sunday, October 14, 2018

Farmer Points to Chupacabra as Culprit Behind Cattle Attacks

Via by Tim Binnall

A farmer in Argentina lost ten cattle earlier this month under suspicious circumstances which make him believe that a chupacabra was to blame. According to a local media report, the odd incident occurred in the village of Ojo de Agua when Raul Baez went out to a field on his property and found a slew of slain cows littering the ground. Upon closer examination, he discovered that four of the unfortunate creatures had also been mutilated in a mysterious fashion.

Since the cattle had apparently not attempted to fend off their attacker and there seemed to be no blood on the ground, Baez came to the rather fantastic conclusion that a chupacabra had been behind the strange slaughter. In turn, the farmer reported the eerie activity on his farm to local authorities and they dispatched a veterinarian to the scene to investigate. Intriguingly, the doctor discovered, due to the nature of the wounds, that the cattle had been cut using some kind of laser scalpel.

Alas, the police commissioner in charge of the case took this finding to mean that the chupacabra could not have attacked the cattle and made a rather amusing, but obvious argument. "I do not know if the chupacabra will have that scalpel," officer Pablo Guzman observed. However, that detail may indicate that Baez's other suspect for the cattle's deaths, aliens, are still proverbial 'ETs of interest.'


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