Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Iron Man jet suit on sale in UK but you'll need Tony Stark's money to buy one

Via by Rik Henderson

An Iron Man-style jet suit made its debut in London yesterday as it went on sale at famous department store Selfridges.

We first featured the suit, made by inventor Richard Browning, earlier this year. He built the Gravity flight suit in 2017, but this is the first time it has been commercially available in Britain.

It is 3D printed, weighs 27kg and will cost you a staggering £340,000. You better start looking down the back of the sofa.

The suit is capable of flying at speeds up to 32mph, which earned Browning an entry to the Guinness Book of Records.

It can take off vertically and uses an exoskeleton design plus a jet pack for stability and propulsion.

As far as we can tell, it doesn't come with Repulsors in the hands, so we doubt you could fight crime with it just yet.

Only nine of the suits are available at Selfridges, with flight training mandatory on purchase, but virtual reality experiences of the suit in flight are offered to visitors to the Oxford Street store.

"It started out as an exploration alongside a day job. We realised we were headed in a direction that had already been thought about - the Iron Man character," Browning told the Evening Standard.

"Part of what people find fun is I’m not a formally trained engineer, but I’ve always loved taking things apart and creating things."


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