Monday, July 30, 2018

More Cases of Mass Hysteria and “Demonic Possession” After Students Report Seeing Paranormal Entities

Via by Sequoyah Kennedy

Earlier this month, a story came out of Ghana concerning 20 students who lost consciousness and collapsed after they had reported seeing ghosts. It seems such cases are more common than initially suspected. Two new reports have come out of the Philippines of similar incidents on the island of Cebu. The first occurred in Dalaguete Town on July 9, and the second occurred in Danao City three days later on July 12. Both incidents share strange similarities not only with each other, but with the Ghana case as well.

The first incident, at the Dumalan National High School (DNHS), occurred between 9am and 11am on Monday, July 9. Fourteen grade 7 students between the ages of 13 and 14 were reported to have fallen victim to “demonic possession” after experiencing a wide range of eerie symptoms all at once. According to the Philippine Star, three students became violent and others were hit by severe abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. Some of the students said they had seen “paranormal beings,” but according to the Star, none could recall the exact nature of these beings. Strangest of all, the Star reports that some—some, not one—of the affected students began mumbling about planting specific kinds of native trees. Classes were suspended and the students were sent home. The government responded by sending a man to bless the school. Teacher-in-charge Flor Orozco said that the incident may have been due to “hunger, emotional imbalance, and troubled family backgrounds.”

That’s all well and good, and probably fairly reasonable. However, three days later it happened again in a different city. According to Cebu Daily News, 13 students at Ubaldo Iway Memorial National High School in Danao City were “gripped by an evil spirit” after reporting seeing a “strange black figure” wandering around the school grounds. More information on what being “gripped by an evil spirit” entails was not available, but according to Cebu Daily News, the reports were confirmed by Dr. Rene Catan, head of the Provincial Health Office.

But wait, that’s not all. Philippines Lifestyle News reports that in June, two “demonic possession” incidents struck two other schools in Cebu, within hours of each other. In one of the June cases, the symptoms started after students reported seeing the ghost of a child in the school. In the other, it began with reports of the specter of a woman covered in blood. Officials at one of the schools affected in June said the incident was related to a “decision to replace an axed mango tree.” Yeah, the tree thing again.

According to eyewitnesses, the students were speaking in a “strange language” and displaying “freakish strength.”

There’s a good chance that this is all just calculated shenanigans by groups of kids. After all, social media makes it incredibly easy for people to make absurd plans very quickly, and that’s always been a skill at which young teenagers are particularly adept. Still, it’s strange. Especially the whole mango tree thing. Also strange is the similarity to the spirit possession case in Ghana on July 3.

And yes, mangoes do grow in Ghana.


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