Sunday, June 24, 2018

These Paranormal Investigators Will Work for Free. They’re Still Not Worth It.

Via by Hemant Mehta

How much would you pay to have a team of paranormal investigators look into your encounter with a supernatural presence?

The correct answer, of course, is nothing. Hell, you’d pay them to go away because they’re just wasting everyone’s time. But the Shadow Chasers, a non-profit group based in Florida, are trying to get around your skepticism by offering their services for free.

[Founder Sarah] White says the main purpose is to help people who are having problems and who do not understand when they encounter a supernatural presence. She said they will go in, show their clients what they do, council them and help give them answers.

Williams says they’re authentic.

“It bothers us when we are compared to Ghostbusters or something like that,” he said. “We are not staged. We are the real deal.”

At least con artists know they’re conning. These people think they’re providing a service when there’s absolutely no merit, no science, no usefulness to anything they do. They’re real and they’re the opposite of spectacular.

They’re religious, too, in case you were wondering.

White said that she wishes to dispense with the idea that paranormal investigators are people who do not hold any Christian religious values. Most of the team is either Baptist or Methodist, according to Williams.

“We do not worship Satan,” White said. “Lots of people will shy away. We are not calling up demons. Each one of us on the team are faith based.”

The article in the Northwest Florida Daily News doesn’t actually tell you much about their work or accomplishments, so I went to look at their website to see if there was more insight there. There wasn’t. Maybe the most unintentionally revealing part of their website is the Investigations page, which lists what they’ve already investigated and what they plan to investigate in the future.

While both lists are long, there’s no way to learn what they accomplished at each venue. If these were investigations, what did they uncover? Clicking on the locations does nothing.

The Photo Gallery is also comically pointless. It’s just a collection of random photos of various buildings and cemeteries and old pictures… with the occasional red circle around items of curiosity, all of which would have natural explanations if anyone on their team ever bothered to do some damn research for once.

If this was just a group that wanted to investigate random old building for shits and giggles, that’s fine. But the moment they claimed to be helping people or offering a meaningful service to clients, they crossed the line into deception.

You can even watch them at work in this video. It’s the worst episode of Mythbusters you’ll ever see: VIDEO

Around the 11:00 mark (and at other times), they get very excited when their K-II EMF Meter lights up. They shouldn’t since the device is ridiculously easy to manipulate.

Maybe the real criticism should be aimed at media outlets like this one that give the group free press without once quoting a scientist or telling the readers that there’s no evidence that any of this nonsense works. Pseudoscientists don’t need cheerleaders in the form of journalists.


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