Paranormal Searchers

Monday, June 4, 2018

Police Station CCTV Films Ghost?


A puzzling piece of security camera footage from a police station in Serbia left officers scratching their heads as it appears to show some kind of apparition floating between jail cells. According to a local news story, the weird incident occurred in the town of Trstenik, where cops caught a glimpse of the eerie anomaly on their CCTV monitor. Left awestruck by the strange sight, the bewildered lawmen reportedly watched the video numerous times in an attempt to determine what had appeared in the footage.

Unable to solve the mystery themselves, they subsequently enlisted the help of their fellow officers, showing the video to nearly the entire Trstenik police force the next day. Alas, no one could offer a plausible explanation for the perceived figure in the footage. As such, the overwhelming and unsettling conclusion among the cops was that the oddity was a ghost.

Aside from the figure's ephemeral appearance, the officers' suspicions were also strengthened by the way in which the possible apparition was apparently able to pass between the bars of the jail cells without any problems. Meanwhile, the prisoners occupying the rooms are said to have not seen anything out of the ordinary at the time. Whether they felt an unusual change in temperature or heard unexplained noises, two other possible signs of ghostly activity, goes unmentioned in Serbian media coverage of the case.


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