Paranormal Searchers

Monday, April 30, 2018

Groundbreaking Bigfoot Lawsuit Coming Soon


Claudia Ackley recently brought a Bigfoot lawsuit to California. She filed the suit against the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the state Natural Resources Agency for failing to acknowledge Bigfoot as a species, thus delegitimizing her and her colleagues serious research, threatening the species’ habitat, and endangering the public.

As advised by her attorneys, she revoked the suit to enhance the case. Teaming with Bigfoot researcher Todd Standing, Ackley is gathering every piece of evidence possible to once and for all prove in the legal system, on-the-record, that Sasquatch is real.

Claudia, a 46 year old Crestline CA resident, hiked with her two daughters in the San Bernadino Mountains on March 27th 2017 when she noticed something large in the oncoming tree-line. Thirty-feet high in a tree sat a giant being: “He looked like a Neanderthal man with hair all over him. He had solid black eyes. He had no expression on his face at all. He did not show his teeth. He just stared at the three of us.” She reported the encounter, but the authorities dismissed her experience, insisting that she just saw a few bears.

Prior to this encounter, Bigfoot was already part of her life. Her interest began in 1997 on a camping trip when something growled outside her tent. Investigating, she saw something large, hairy, and on two-legs scurry away into the woods. Seventeen years later, a 2014 sighting in Washington (on a trip with other Bigfoot enthusiasts) bolstered her intrigue.

After the most recent encounter she felt even stronger about her belief in these creatures, and, along with it, a guilt-driven duty to protect people just like her and her family. People need to know what is out there:

“I just felt ashamed at that point. I just felt, why? I need to do something. This is not right,” Claudia lamented. “We all go out in the woods. We all go hiking, camping, hunting. We know that we might run into a bear, a snake, we know that. We are aware, so we have the choice to go out there. Let’s tell them the whole truth and let’s say there’s Sasquatch out there. There’s the possibility something could happen to you as well. Let the people have the choice to make their own choice, whether they want to encounter one.”

Imagine you were walking along a trail with your family and a 9 foot tall monster appears directly in front of you. You make it out and tell the cops, but they don’t believe you. Instead, they tell you what you saw. You know hundreds of other people frequent the area, but nothing will be done to warn them. What would you do?

Are More Bigfoot Lawsuits Around the Corner?

We are warned about bears, snakes, and mountain lions. We’re even warned if there’s a prison nearby and there’s a small chance an escaped prisoner may be in your area. If there are legitimate sightings of a giant ape-man in the area accompanied by reports of abduction, missing persons, or violent activity, why can’t we at least tell people? As the years go on without true acknowledgement, we could very well see many more of these Bigfoot lawsuits, especially if extreme psychological or physical trauma is inflicted. Should cities and states across the country be responsible for telling visitors about the potential for intense encounters?

Whether or not there were actual Bigfoot in the trees that day, Ackley’s move against the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is incredibly brave. Even if her story isn’t as compelling as others, one question has slowly risen over the years: Why are authorities not warning people about the simple potential of these creatures?

Beyond Ackley’s encounter, there are hundreds of anecdotes over the years that paint these creatures as having the inclination for violence. In many of these stories the creatures inflict extreme psychological distress. Seriously try to imagine being confronted in the middle of nowhere by a 9-foot-tall, 700 pound being that you never thought was actually real. Everything you have ever been told gets thrown out the window in an instant and you’re suddenly at the very bottom of the food chain. Your frame of reference explodes and your body goes into shock. A monster has literally appeared in your world and might actually kill you.

If you escape, the event no doubt inflicts years-worth of psychological trauma. And no one believes you.

If you are killed, then no one would ever consider a “Bigfoot” was involved. Your body may not even ever be found.
Next Steps in the Bigfoot Lawsuits

I’m looking forward to seeing how this Bigfoot lawsuit will play out. Todd Standing is now involved and he is bringing in his own pile of “overwhelming evidence”, including expert testimony from academics like Dr. Jeff Meldrum:

“There’s a date set so we’re going in with PhDs, with wilderness experts beyond myself, with wildlife biologists, with fingerprint experts. We’re going to prove so beyond a reasonable doubt that this species exists,” Standing said about the Bigfoot lawsuit in January, prior to the March dismissal.

“When we prove that and we’re successful, the species will be recognized as an Indigenous wildlife species and then fish and wildlife — in California, in Canada, in the United States, everywhere — will have to start recognizing this species and studying them, doing biological surveys."


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