Paranormal Searchers

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Why has this River Ouse stream turned neon green and blue?

Via by Roshina Jowaheer

A mysterious liquid which has been turning a stream of the River Ouse bright blue and green has left experts baffled.

Natalia Maca walks past the stream in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire everyday and has seen the soapy liquid bright green and blue.

The 35-year-old said: "I walk past there a lot. It changes colour, sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's green. "It's not just the one day it happens nearly everyday. It's been happening for months."

Speaking to the Daily Mail, she said: "I've called up the Environment Agency and they just keep giving me a reference number and say that they will report it and investigate but nothing has changed.

"It's a soapy liquid but I have no idea what it is - I'm no expert. I've spoken to a couple of locals and they don't know much either."

According to Cambridge News, dogs are reportedly falling ill after swimming in water nearby. Industrial areas around Huntingdon are being checked to find the cause of the coloured water.


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