Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Unidentified Large Creature Terrorizing Australian Community

Via mysteriousuniverse.org by Brett Tingley

Something is terrorizing a Sunshine Coast community in Queensland, Australia. Something large. Whatever it is, it has so far ripped open animal enclosures, devoured pets and livestock, and left little traces behind. The Sunshine Coast Daily reports that locked gates were destroyed by something capable of leaving behind “huge paw prints.” One local resident and eyewitness, Kay McCullock, described her near-encounter with the creature while it tore apart her neighbor’s poor defenseless guinea fowl:

When I looked into the neighbour’s yard, I could see the guinea fowls getting attacked by – you’re gonna’ love this – an unseen predator… As if the birds were being thrown around by something invisible. When I found three lots of clumped feathers there was no blood and no bodies.

Unseen predator? Invisible monster ripping birds apart like gore-filled piƱatas? Yes, you’re right, Kay, I am gonna love it. Especially given McCullock’s description of her second encounter with the beast:

I heard ‘it’ again and went out with my sword and yelled at it. I heard growling and a kind of snorting. It was quick and by the time I got to the gate I couldn’t see anything.

Too bad. Slaying a phantom big cat with a sword would have made a great story to share at that boring holiday office party. Sure beats Linda from HR’s same old story about that time she found the bowling ball in the soup. McCullock says that so far, locals believe the only two remaining possible suspects are black panthers and Yowie. Given that large feline species aren’t indigenous to Australia, could this be another case of the ever-elusive phantom big cat? Or has Bigfoot’s inbred down-under cousin developed a taste for poultry?

Unfortunately for those of us who want to believe in what goes bump in the night, there’s likely a much more benign explanation. Over the last couple of years, packs of feral wild dogs have reached what some are calling “epidemic” levels throughout Queensland. One local rancher told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 2016 that the animals have become increasingly bold and terrifying in recent years:

I grew up with dingoes up north…but never experienced the pack attitude that we have here. Most of the time we see them in groups of four, up to nine, and that is what makes us feel unsafe. They are dangerous, they are not scared of us anymore, and you just feel outnumbered.

Could a large feral dog be responsible for killing these animals? It’s much more likely than a phantom cat or even Yowie. Everyone knows he prefers eating garbage.


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