Paranormal Searchers

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Could a Ouija Board Contact Black Eyed Children?


A pair of paranormal investigators in England have announced plans to try and contact the infamous Black Eyed Kids using, of all things, a Ouija Board.

Dale Makin and Justin Cowell will be venturing into the notorious British forest known as Cannock Chase, where a series of BEK sightings allegedly took place back in 2014, as part of a forthcoming documentary.

The duo insist that their investigation will be scientific, although skeptics are likely to scoff at such a suggestion since they will be doing their 'research' using a Ouija Board.

Nonetheless, Makin and Cowell are undeterred those who doubt the veracity of the board's purported powers as well as those who do believe, but feel that it is dangerous to play with the device in this manner.

Regardless of how one feels about the Ouija Board's ability speak with 'the other side,' there's also the question of whether it is wise to even contact the notorious BEKs, since the eerie entities are often seen as some kind of manifestation of evil.

Despite this concern, the pair plan to proceed with their mission when they begin filming the fantastically-titled 'Ouija: Dicing with Death?' later this month.

And, with a budget said to be around $250,000 dollars, it's easy to see why the duo don't particularly care what the critics have to say, since they apparently stand to gain whether the BEKs show up or not.

Coast Insiders can learn more about the unnerving Black Eyed Kid phenomenon without having to bust out their Ouija Board by checking out the 3/30/2015 edition of the program featuring researcher David Weatherly.

Source: Mirror


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