Paranormal Searchers

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How to See Auras for Beginners

Via by Andye Murphy

The true majesty of the aura is that it doesn't lie. In this luminescent sheen, all untold beauty lies waiting to be discovered. We all have auras, that colorful field that decorates the Light Body. Plants, animals, people, and even buildings all radiate distinct colors which reveal more than our words can.

While not the most impressive party trick, paying attention to a person's aura will tell you much more than words alone. Little effort is required but perhaps patience on yourself as you begin to notice the field, will serve you best.

How can we begin to read these subtle fields then to learn to see more than what is being given to us? It is quiet easy to learn how to read auras but first let's cover some basics before you begin.

What is the Aura?

James van Praggh reminds us we are spirits having a human experience and it is this frequency of spirit which vibrates creating the energetic field around us. This field around our physical body is known as the "aura."

We have 10 bodies according to both Egyptian and Hindu traditions and the auric field can generally be seen radiating from 6-18 inches outside of the physical body. This prevalence of color illustrates these subtle bodies beautifully. It is the colors which will help us most "see" the aura.

Colors of the Aura

A vibrant color indicates spiritual awareness and wellbeing while dull or muddied colors reveal a sluggishness in self-knowledge and even sickness. Those who balance their chakras, practice yoga and make conscious eating choices will naturally radiate from their acts of self-love. Less pronounced colors may indicate places where more awareness is necessary.

The colors in the field will also reveal much in learning how to read the auras. While some of us may physically see them, some sensitives may be more accurately able to feel them. I am a clarisentient which means I can sense things much better than I can see them (clairvoyant). Be gentle in your explorations of which of your psychic senses are more developed and begin first with those which are the strongest.

To begin to sense the frequency of color is the best place way to read auras for beginners. For a moment, allow yourself to come into stillness, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. Then invite the colors to wash over you noticing how each feels in your subtle and physical bodies. When you can become familiar with the vibration of the colors it is easier to notice it in others. This is an easy and accessible way for beginners to sense the aura.

Location of the Aura

Our aura will surround our entire body, but most often Kirlian photos will simply capture the field around the head and chest. There are many ways to physically capture the aura with great diagnostic accuracy. But in the absence of cool technology and a hefty investment, you can easily begin to sense these auric fields for yourself.

Those fields around the upper body will be a good indicator of where the person is now. Sometimes jagged and other times smooth, the texture will also reveal how consistent this energy is residing within the person.

Cool flashes of color can sometimes be seen outside of the field. Called "clouds" or "flares", these can indicate tendencies that don't always permeate the field directly but are influential in the reality of the person.

Large blocks of color or human-shaped colors most often reveal the presence of our guides to us. I once had the outline of a golden body standing to my right indicating the companionship of a Ascended Master I had been working with quite regularly. Other times loved ones may appear to simply say hello.

I once did 300 aura readings in a weekend. Watching the colors dance through each soul was both a sensory overload and a massive learning experience. Truth be told, I didn't know how to read auras before that weekend but I learned quickly. I was most amazed by how each person matched their field. Rarely was I stumped or surprised by what I saw in the image and the person standing before me. I was heartened to see how truly accurate these beautiful images were of each person's moment of their life's journey.

Placement of Colors

The location of each color will also illuminate many interesting facets. For instance, if someone carries red around their chest, it may indicate a frustrated heart while white around the crown will portray a highly advanced soul.

My first aura photo came in with a black arch over my head. While the black may immediately put off novices, I was in the hands of an expert who asked if I had a near death experience. "Nope," I replied. She smiled deeply and said "You must be a shaman then who is able to cross between the worlds of life and death." Bam! She saw something in me that (at that time) I had not even fully embraced in myself.

Colors Will Change

It should be noted that the aura colors will change. As we grow and evolve, our aura reflects our efforts.

It's fascinating to me to watch how the colors will morph over time, even from one minute to the next the field is affected by every thought and interaction we have. Never are two images the same and seeing the colors can be a excellent way to track spiritual progress.

How to Read Auras for Beginners

Notice Energy

Before we can fully develop our ability to see auras, we must first become aware of how energy feels in our body. Next time you are with a friend, pay attention to how you feel in their presence. Do they invite you in to feel loved and cherished or rather drain you of your own energy? Align yourself with your breath and ask for an honest sensation of how they feel to you. It is this visceral, physical reaction which if we begin to honor will assist us best in navigating the many people with whom we come in contact.
Auras are Easier to See From the Periphery

Goofy but true, we are rarely able to see an aura. As we are biological machines processing and filtering out so much information, so too is our direct vision affected by the lightning speed editing of our brains. To begin seeing the aura, gaze at one spot for 30-60 seconds and allow your gaze to soften. Notice those objects just outside of your direct sight to further develop your periphery vision. While mastering your gaze, there is no need to strain or stress for that will only trigger anxiety in the brain. Breathe normally while practicing this soft-focus vision.
Color is King
As we explored, it is the presence of color that will best hone your ability to read auras. To expand your sight, go into a neutral colored room and play with brightly colored objects. I find this best taped to the wall at a distance so I can practice my periphery best. Close your eyes and breathe asking the colors to show themselves to you. Gaze at the color (poster board or a solid color wrapped object are good) while breathing deeply. Again allow your gaze to soften almost as if you are looking through it.

Take note of the field outside of the colored object. You'll begin to notice a pale, shimmer of color coming off of it. This is the magic of reading the aura. As you gain confidence with single colors, gradually add in multi-colored objects to expand your psychic vision.
Read the Aura of Another
As plants are our most gracious earth allies, start with them-- plus they won't say anything if you're wrong!

When you're ready to move on to people, please get their permission first. This will ensure free will is honored and will grant you access to see their aura. This is simply polite after all and will ensure clean boundaries and access to the unseen realms are respected.

Ask them to stand 14-18 inches in front of you against the neutral wall. Look at the wall- not your friend- and begin to sense the field. Softly gazing through her and at the wall around her. Ask the aura to show itself to you, and pay attention to not only your vision but also your sense of the colors. Once you've made this connection in reading the aura, up the game by asking them to move around slowly to see if you can still sense the same colors. As a fun bonus, put on their favorite music to see if the colors shift.

Once you've honed your skills with others you may be up for trying to read your own aura! Note that this may be a bit more challenging but is an excellent practice at strengthening your intuitive abilities. Sit in a quiet meditative space and clear your mind. Set an intention that you would like access to "see" your own aura.

Gently rub your hands together, this activates energy between the two hands and turns on the Aka. The stickiness (or sense of being magnetized to one another) you may feel is known as Aka -- the ethereal substance of life-- to the ancient Egyptians and is the invisible thread that creates matter.

Focus your attention between the palms and see if you can sense a color to these threads of energy. It may feel like mist or fog even but your physical sense of color will confirm and bolster your psychic vision.

Seeing auras is just one step to greater awareness and elevating our consciousness for it brings us into alignment with those people, spaces and situations which serve us best.

The blessing of how to read auras is that it gives us a direct experience of energetic reality which we often ignore. When we can honor the invisible reality we navigate through each day, it will slow down our fast pace and bring us into greater harmony with the spiritual nature of reality all around us.


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