Paranormal Searchers

Friday, August 11, 2017

British Athletes Claim ‘Sex Ghost’ Is Haunting Their Reality Show

Via by David Moye

Well, that’s one way to scare up publicity.

Two British athletes starring on a reality show are claiming that a sex ghost seems to be haunting their hotel rooms.

British paralympian Kadeena Cox and retired rugby star Gareth Thomas are two of the celebrities competing on “The Jump,” a British show where famous people compete in various snow sports ― a “Ski Jump With The Stars,” if you will.

The season’s first episode aired Sunday on the Channel 4 network. But the show is scaring up more attention for what’s happening in the celebs’ hotel rooms.

During the episode, the 25-year-old Cox reportedly asked for a new room after allegedly being sexually violated by a ghost.

Another competing celebrity, Emma Parker-Bowles, the Duchess of Corwall’s niece, said on the show that Cox “was penetrated” by some sort of paranormal entity.

Thomas, 42, concurred.

“She had a ghost going in and out of her. She had a sleep thing,” he said, according to the Sun. “She wishes it were a person… It was going in and out of her body.”

The feeling was apparently so real to her, she asked for a room change, as did Thomas.

“I wanted to move [to] different floors because when I’m hearing these ghost stories I was at the very, very end [of the corridor] and I got scared,” he said, according to the Express.

Cox and Thomas are just the latest semi-famous people who’ve claimed to have had ghost sex. Last year, Bobby Brown promoted his autobiography by claiming a ghost had sex with him.

“I wasn’t high,” Brown told 20/20. “I was not tripping.”

In September 2012, Kesha told Ryan Seacrest her song, “Supernatural,” was inspired by a randy romp with a male ghost.

“It’s about experiences with the supernatural ... but in a sexy way,” she told Seacrest. “I had a couple of experiences with the supernatural. I don’t know his name! He was a ghost! I’m very open to it.”

The concept of ghost sex arouses lots of interest, and there are some people ― “spectrophilliacs” ― who fantasize about spooky encounters.

Debunkers, however, are quick to dismiss ghost-on-human whoopee. Ben Radford, the deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, calls such experiences hypnopompic and hypnagogic hallucinations.

These vivid hallucinations ― which can be sexual ― are common to people who are going in and out of sleep.

They are also usually harmless, Radford said in a 2014 article for

“Few people who are visited by these seductive specters complain about it, so if you experience it, there’s little to fear.”


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