Monday, July 31, 2017

Crocodile ‘Returns’ Dead Body After Summoning Ritual


UNITED NEWS INTERNATIONAL (UNI) — Locals of an Indonesian village believe that a crocodile returned the body of a dead man after being summoned by a witch doctor.

The man, identified as Syarifuddin went missing after a crocodile attacked him as he bathed in a river on July 18.

Villagers contacted police and initiated a search but were unable to find Syarifuddin’s body.

They then contacted a local “crocodile charmer” who performed a ritual to supposedly summon the crocodile to return the body.

When a crocodile appeared along the river near the village, carrying the uneaten body in it’s jaws, villagers recorded the bizarre sight on video.

The croc left the body near the banks of the river after being driven off by villagers yelling and throwing sticks and stones.

Video of the return went viral in Indonesia, leading many people to believe the ritual had worked.


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