Tuesday, May 2, 2017

MUFON asked to investigate Orangeville UFO sighting

Via orangeville.com by Chris Halliday

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is being asked to investigate a strange sighting in Orangeville.

According to a report of a UFO sighting received by MUFON, an unidentified person saw a “silent camouflage aircraft” above the skies of Orangeville at about 9 p.m. on March 28.

“Every night around that time I take my dog for a walk. I take him to on the train tracks down the road and I usually stare at stars and satellites,” the witness reported.

“About 15 minutes in, I noticed something that looked like a faint letter 8 horizontally with no sound or visible light,” the person added. “As it moved from northwest to east at a steady pace, it appeared to bend the light of the stars as it moved.”

The witness claims the event lasted a duration of about two minutes. No other details about the Orangeville UFO sighting were made available in the MUFON report.

As one of the oldest and largest civilian UFO-investigative organizations in the United States, MUFON has received five reports of UFO sightings in Orangeville from 2004 to 2017.

About seven years ago, MUFON’s was asked to investigate after a person reportedly saw a UFO being chased by a military aircraft near Orangeville in October of 2010. In August of 2015, a witness claimed to have seen a large "glowing object" hovering in the air for about 10 minutes.

According to the 2016 Canadian UFO Survey, an annual report compiled by the Canadian organization Ufology Research, there were 1,131 UFO sightings in 2016. That's a drop from the 1,267 reported the previous year.

Across the country, 21 per cent of last year's reports were considered to have probable explanations while 74 per cent were insufficient, which was a big reversal from the previous year's report where 66 per cent were probable and 20 per cent considered insufficient. The report notes that's because of a "more rigorous evaluation process" this year.

About four per cent were considered unexplained, which the report says is the lowest in its 28 years, but does note that classification doesn't imply alien visitation.

"Each case may still have an explanation following further investigation. And, of those that remain unexplained, they may (stay) unexplained but still are not incontrovertible proof of extraterrestrial intervention or some mysterious natural phenomenon," reads the report.

To learn more about the five UFO sightings reported to MUFON in Orangeville, visit mufon.com. To read the Canadian UFO Survey’s 2016 annual report, visit survey.canadianuforeport.com.


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