Monday, April 17, 2017

Scientists Discuss Their Research into Mind Beyond Body and the Survival of Consciousness After Death


2017 marks fifty years since Dr. Ian Stevenson founded the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) at the University of Virginia - the oldest university-based research group in the world devoted exclusively to "the investigation of phenomena that challenge current physicalist brain/mind orthodoxy", including research into the possibility post-mortem survival of consciousness."

To mark the occasion, four of the staff -Jim Tucker, Bruce Greyson, Kim Penberth,. and Edward F. Kelly - gave presentations on their research (discussing, respectively: children who remember past live; near-death experiences; the mind-body relationship; and the Division's research and challenge to the physicalist paradigm) recently at the University of Virginia's 'Medical Center Hour', and I've embedded video of the event above. It's an excellent introduction to these topics, and the exciting research being done by DOPS.

(Note: I discussed DOPS a little and talked to Dr Bruce Greyson about near-death experiences in Stop Worrying, There Probably is an Afterlife, so check that out too if you're interested in the topic of survival of consciousness.)


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