Saturday, April 1, 2017

Haunted Location Slams Vandal Ghost Hunters

Via by Hayley Stevens

Alleged to be haunted, the team of volunteers who look after the historic Drakelow Tunnels allow groups of so-called Ghost Hunters to access the site overnight for a fee. In a post on Facebook dated 5th March, representatives of the Tunnels slam a group of said Ghost Hunters for damaging the property during a visit. They wrote:

‘The mind really boggles that groups of professionals have complete disregard for the site they are hiring by leaving candles without holders to burn down on WOODEN frames. Apart from the obvious and incredibly serious fire risk, it is also an area where we, the volunteers, have PAID out of the money we have RAISED to renovate and bring back to as new condition. Not only have candles been left on wooden sills, but also our newly painted walls and curbs, splashing wax and again burning down to the surface.’

This isn’t the first time that moronic ghost hunting groups have treated the locations they’re visiting with little or no respect, or have been unable to control their paying customers while on site. The post continues:

‘Not only have we had damage from candles, but our ORIGINAL WWII Shadow Factory Tannoy system has been pulled and items have been messed with inside. This unit is not something that was donated, it’s not something we can replace, If I came round to your house invited and damaged your family handed down possessions, you would quite reasonably want to inform the police. Well our thoughts are not far from this.’

I really hope the police are informed because the volunteers know exactly which group are responsible for the damage. Any decent ghost hunting group will have public liability insurance in place to cover them for this sort of thing, so let’s hope that these idiots do. I guess you could argue that such damage was unintentional and accidental (if you squint and have never met a ghost hunter of this calibre,), but there’s more that suggests the damage was through a lack of regard and respect. The FB post continues:

‘Did I mention the sinks? Do you clog your own sinks up at home with tissue or rubbish or, yes, you guessed it, CANDLE WAX?! I bet not, so don’t do it at our complex!’

The representative then warned the future events will be monitored with spot checks through the evening and that bans and fines will be brought into place as required. Good. I hope the tunnels also raise the cost of groups visiting their premises to cover the cost of people having to be present, and (if not already in place,) that a deposit is required which is only refundable upon satisfaction that the premises are left in good condition.

Bunkers need to run ventilation systems permanently to avoid damp which can cost tens of thousands of pounds a year to run. Any historic building or charitable organisation such as museums, galleries and theatres cannot be blamed for eyeing up the potential income from allowing ghost hunting groups to access the facilities overnight which can be a great way to offset some of their annual costs, but many are now having to ask themselves if it is worth the risk to let in these overnight tourists who have little regard for anybody but themselves. Some people should just stick to ghost walks and watching Ghost Adventures.


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