Thursday, April 27, 2017

1,131 UFO reports filed in Canada last year


There were 17 UFO sightings in Nova Scotia last year, according to annual data from UFOlogy Research of Manitoba.

The organization released the 2016 Canadian UFO Survey, an annual list of all the reported sightings across the country for the previous year, on March 29.

In 2016, 1,131 UFO reports were officially filed in Canada, the fifth year in a row more than 1,000 cases were reported.

Since the annual Canadian UFO Survey was initiated in 1989, Canadians have reported 18,038 sightings. More than 2,100 of these reports are categorized as “Unexplained.”

The 17 reported Nova Scotia sightings are as follows:

Feb. 2: East Bay – four white triangular objects slowly flying in strange patterns in the sky

March 1: Terence Bay – possible plane crash, explosion, with a “plane” descending before breaking in half and catching on fire.

March 26: Bear River – a beam of blue-white light straight down to the ground, no visible craft.

April 27: Canning – orange light flying erratically in the sky before descending and disappearing.

July 31: Cheticamp – two objects flying through sky. Car starter stopped working.

Aug. 1: New Waterford – large ball of pulsating light moving at different speeds and turning slightly.

Aug. 8: Porters Lake – bright light moving across the sky.

Sept. 12: Upper Tantallon – large reflective triangular object hovering before receding fast and vanishing.

Sept. 26: Donkin – unknown object seen in photo. Possibly water drop. Military plane seen in area a day later.

Oct. 10: Nova Scotia (exact location not specified) – star-like object stationary for 10 minutes then darting across the sky.

Oct. 11: Port Greville — three orange fireballs and a "spider-like" object moving across the sky.

Oct. 21: Glace Bay – star-like objects in “reverse P” formation; “black satin rippling.”

Oct. 27: Halifax – large white light falling from the sky.

Nov. 10: Sherbrooke – orange light fading between yellow and orange while moving in the sky.

Nov. 12: Truro – oval-shaped light with yellow light around it, slowly moving before a bright flash of light and it was gone.

Dec. 9: Truro – low-flying object like shooting star.

Dec. 21: Halifax – bright light like flash moved east to west quickly, slower than shooting star.


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