Thursday, February 2, 2017

Clairvoyant purchases 'psychic cat' in Russia


The 'mind-changing' moggie begins new life working for Siberian 'witch' after driving previous owner crazy.

The bizarre story was told by the former owner of cat Charles Utkins, who inherited the pet from his aunt when she died. Dmitry R soon noticed the strange abilities of his new pet, for example appearing from behind locked doors at his home in Blagoveshchensk.

He explained: 'The doors to the rooms were closed, and the cat, shut away elsewhere, suddenly appears in the room from behind closed doors, although nobody let him go.

'He reads minds, but the worst thing - he inspires thoughts. And these thoughts will be fulfilled, they are impossible to resist. He made me go shopping and buy what he needed.

'Before I met Utkins I... did not believe in supernatural things. But this creature managed to inspire me to thoughts and shame me to do what I do not want to do.

'For example, I do not eat fish, at all, I don't like it, or sausages. He would wake me up at 5 am with a strong desire to eat fish or sausage. So much so that I had to go out right then to buy it and give it to the cat. And as soon as the cat started to eat, my hunger disappeared.'

The animal stared into space, evidently seeing things humans could not.

Life was intolerable with the animal and led to strains in his marriage, with his wife feeling uneasy around the 'psychic' pet.

The clairvoyant from Novosibirsk - some 4,500 kilometres away - mysteriously heard about the cat and came to inspect it, said Dmitry. After a short interview the woman, who is not named but has been labelled a 'witch' by local media, is said wasted no time in paying 5 million roubles - $84,000 - for the 'psychic cat'.

The animal is to be put to work in her seances, he said.

'She is a clairvoyant, and came with all her paraphernalia,' he said. 'She closed the cat in the room, and then rapidly decided to buy it. She is strictly against journalists, so I cannot name her.

'But I can describe her - fairly young, well-groomed, blonde, and she wears expensive clothes. The lady looks very expensive. She will travel to Novosibirsk with Charlie and we made a special veterinary passport for the cat.

'She deals with extrasensory phenomenon,' he claimed. 'She can see in some beings the object of her interest - and earnings. More than once she stipulated that the cat will pay off. She has a website, and some good respectable clients.'


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