Thursday, February 9, 2017

CIA explored use of psychic in Lockerbie bombing probe


Declassified documents have revealed the CIA wanted to see if a psychic could replicate key aspects of the Lockerbie bombing.

Some 13 million pages of files were released online last week for the first time, including CIA interest in Edinburgh paranormal research.

Now it has emerged the 930,000 files also include asking a subject to describe a photo of the reconstructed baggage carrier that held the plane’s bomb.

“Filed under special access required”, the notes are headed: “Warning notice: Intelligence sources and methods involved.”

Pan Am Flight 103 was brought down by the device on December 21, 1988, killing all 259 people on board and a further 11 people on the ground.

The CIA’s psychic tests relating to Lockerbie were carried out on June 7, 1990 at an unknown location and filed under Project Sun Streak, successor to the controversial Stargate project.

Another released CIA document outlines Sun Streak’s mission as “dealing with the use of psychoenergetics in the collection of intelligence information”.

It describes “Psychoenergetics” as psychokinesis – physical actions performed by mental powers – and perceptions that cannot be explained by non-sensory means, such as telepathy.

Parameters of the Lockerbie test outline using “tangibles and intangibles of more than one word”, as well as “probing sketches”.

What follows is 22 pages of photocopied scrawled notes and drawings together with a typed account of the session.

The article refers to the cassette player in which Semtex explosive was hidden.

The typed notes from the session retained by the CIA say: “The stuff inside it is light, smooth, stringy, air, and it is moving down, making a ‘whoosh’ sound. It is speeding up as it goes down and out. It makes me want to throw up.”

Describing the cylindrical shape in a box, the account continues: “There is a bomb in the box and it explodes.”


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