Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Haunted History of White Hill Mansion, one of New Jersey’s Most Paranormally-Active Properties

Via by Dana Matthews

Not only is the White Hill Mansion one of New Jersey’s most influential historical homes, its also one of its most haunted. Let’s be honest, all you have to do is take one look at the decrepit white mansion and you know something paranormal has to be going on inside. For at least twenty years, teams of ghost hunters have spent countless hours exploring the halls and history of the White Hill Mansion, and the frightening evidence they’ve collected makes a pretty convincing case that the building is still being inhabited by those who used to call it home.

Construction on the White Hill Mansion began well over two-hundred-and-fifty years ago when Robert Field, a successful merchant, decided to put down roots in New Jersey. Unfortunately for Robert, the town of Fieldsboro would prove to be less of a blessing and more of a curse. On January 29, 1775 Robert drowned in the Delaware River under mysterious circumstances, leaving Mary Fields, his young wife, to care for the 600 acre property on her own.

Mary, who was also raising three small children, lived in the White Hill Mansion during the Revolutionary War, and though she attempted to stay impartial, there were many times when the house was invaded and searched. After hosting a dinner with American naval Captain Tom Houston and his officers, a neighbor loyal to Britain reported Mary Field as a rebel supporter, causing the mansion to be searched for hidden American soldiers. Fortunately, Mary was a cunning woman, and the White Hill Mansion made it through the war unscathed.

Over the years many people have called White Hill Mansion their home, from senators, to rum runners, to prostitutes, to inventors, and by the early 1920s the house was converted into an upscale restaurant by Heinrick and Katrina Glenk. For over 50 years, Glenk’s Mansion House Restaurant fed New Jersey, but those who worked and ate there began to notice that there was something strange about the mansion. Unexplainable events seemed to be a daily occurrence in the massive building, and the White Hill Mansion quickly established a reputation as being one of the most haunted houses in New Jersey.

Many visitors to the mansion have reported run-ins with a featureless “shadow man” who is said to lurk near the basement, occasionally creeping up to frightened guests only to disappear into the darkness.

Disembodied voices are among the most common phenomena experienced in the White Hill Mansion, with most investigators concluding that the ghostly chatter may be coming from the deceased Mr. Glenk himself, whose voice has been heard emanating from the attic space.

Other phenomena experienced in the building include the phantom sounds of children playing in the nursery, and light footsteps making their way up and down the stairs in the dead of night. A spirit that has identified herself as a former servant has also been recorded during EVP sessions, and ghost hunters say she seems to be quite a talkative ghost who enjoys interacting with visitors.

By 1999 the White Hill Mansion had fallen into disarray, and the local community began to hear whispers from the owners that the house might be demolished. Fortunately, the Borough of Fieldsboro came to the building’s aid, and by 2004, preservation efforts on the mansion began, ultimately saving it from the wrecking ball. Today, the White Hill Mansion on the New Jersey State Register of Historic Places.

During restoration efforts, two archaeological digs, lead by Monmouth University professor Dr. Richard Veit, were conducted on the property, where they discovered over 30,000 artifacts, including evidence that the mansion may have been built over an ancient Native American settlement. These discoveries have led to some speculation that much of the paranormal activity experienced in White Hill Mansion is due to the actual land the building was constructed on.

The house is still in the process of being preserved and protected thanks to non-profits like Friends of White Hill Mansion. Fortunately for paranormal enthusiasts like us, the house is still available for paranormal investigations, opening its doors to those hoping to capture some evidence that the previous owners are still knocking around inside the old building. The White Hill Mansion is also about to be thrust into the spotlight, as a location for an episode of this season’s Paranormal Lockdown, which should ensure the property’s place in the annals of paranormal history.

Hopefully with all the upcoming attention, the haunted White Hill Mansion will get some much needed TLC from the paranormal community, which loves to help preserve important historical monuments. I’m sure Mary Fields, Mr. Glenk, and all of the other spirits who’ve decided to stick around the house that they loved will appreciate having the once-beautiful building returned back to its days of splendor.


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