Monday, November 28, 2016

Witness Report: I Remember the Day the Terrifying Ghost of the “Hat Man” Came to Visit

Via by Greg Newkirk

There’s no shortage of eyewitness reports of ghostly phenomena that filter in from throughout the globe, but there’s one strange pattern that has continued to emerge: visits from the mysterious “hat man”. While most people’s personal tales of hauntings are varied enough to be considered unique entities, there is a growing number of people who report encountering a similar entity, particularly as children.

The latest eyewitness report to reach the desk here at Weird HQ comes from Dan in Wisconsin, who says he’s had several terrifying run-ins with the “Hat Man”.


The Week in Weird story about the “Hatman” phenomena just sent shivers up my spine, especially the part about it manifesting during times of family negativity. I’ve experienced the Hat Man too, but I really thought my incident was isolated until now.

At 13 I got in a huge fight with my parents over something stupid having to do with Halloween, and they refused to let me go out trick or treaking. I sat in my room just fuming and furious, throwing a ball up to my ceiling and catching it.

Sure enough it came down and I didn’t catch it once, and it rolled towards the corner of my room. When I flipped over, there was what I always called “The Hat Man” standing in the corner of my room, almost like he was facing the wall. I shot up and backwards, but he had disappeared.

Years later, while talking to a friend on the phone, I saw him once again, this time outside my window. That is scary by itself, but the fact that my bedroom was on the second floor, with no balcony or landing, was even worse. I slept at a friends house that night, and it took me days to convince myself to go back into my room and sleep.

Only one other time did I see him, and that was in a dream. I dreamt he was at the foot of my bed, just standing over me, watching. When I woke up, I saw him reaching for me, but he disappeared as quick as he did the first time.

I’m almost 30 now and can recall these vividly. This has given me the worst case of chills, I can’t believe my incident wasn’t isolated (and I don’t feel so crazy anymore seeing others being affected by this). Wow, truly scary.


The number of Hat Man encounters continues to grow. Who is the entity? What does he want? Why does he tend to appear to children more than anyone else? Our research into the phenomena hasn’t answered these questions yet, but the more he appears, the closer we get to solving the mystery.

Have you seen the Hat Man?


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