Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ghosts of The Queen Mary: Investigate America’s Most Haunted Ocean Liner with the Paranormal Pros

Via by Dana Matthews

One of the most haunted locations in America is docked in Long Beach, California, and if you’re brave enough, you can investigate the spooky RMS Queen Mary yourself. Don’t worry, you’ll have some of the world’s top paranormal investigators at your side.

When it comes to haunted locations, the Queen Mary is situated firmly at the top of many ghost hunting bucket lists. The luxury liner, turned war vessel, turned hotel ship, has one of the richest paranormal histories of any supernatural hotspot, and over the years, has become one of the most notoriously spooky travel destinations in the country. Considering that the ship has just about as many ghosts as it does guests, there’s never a shortage of activity.

Construction on the Queen Mary began in Scotland in 1930 and took six years to complete. The liner’s maiden voyage occurred on May 27, 1936, and in the years that followed, the ship would play host to some of the most famous actors, politicians, and even royalty of the time period. Unfortunately, the glitz and glamour only lasted three years before the ship was commissioned and converted into a WWII ship used to transport some 16,000 troops to Europe.

By 1947, after 10 long months of restoration, the Queen Mary was again transformed into a luxury liner, but with the flourishing airline industry, she only cruised the ocean for about two decades, officially docking for good on December 9, 1969. Today, most people are familiar with the floating hotel as being home to some world-class restaurants, upscale suites, and interactive history lessons. But those who stick around after hours know that it has a reputation for something else: ghosts. Lots and lots of ghosts.

There are a literal boat-load of ghosts said to haunt the ship, in fact, there isn’t a floor of the liner that hasn’t been ground zero for some pretty frightening paranormal activity. Take ‘Shaft Alley’ for example, said to be home to “Half Hatch Harry,” an 18-year-old firefighter who was mysteriously crushed to death in 1966 behind one of the heavy doors. The circumstances surrounding his death are mysterious, as it takes the massive doors a full 60 seconds to close completely. Harry is one of The Queen Mary’s most famous ghosst, and also one of the most active.

Harry is just the tip of the iceberg. The 2nd class pool and cargo areas are said to be home to the spirit of “Dana”, whose entire family was murdered aboard the ship. Dana is often spotted playing in the cargo area, or wandering the poolside calling out for her mother.

Some of the other ghosts worth mentioning include the Lady In White, who is often spotted in the Queen’s Salon, and William E. Stark, who accidentally poisoned himself by drinking cleaning fluid instead of gin, is said to haunt the Main Deck. Jackie and Sarah, both young girls who drowned in the pool, have banded together in the afterlife and tend to stick together in the pool area. And then there’s “The Dude”, the impeccably-dressed gentleman who is often spotted having a drink in Sir Winston’s Bar Area, known for being very interactive with unsuspecting guests.

One of the most disturbing paranormal experiences ever reported aboard the ship involves an incident that happened on October 2, 1942, when the Queen Mary collided with the HMS Curacoa. Not only was the Curacoa destroyed, but the doomed ship sank in under six minutes. Over 300 crew members died in the collision, and to this day, guests regularly wake to phantom sounds of screaming and rushing water emanating from the front of the ship, leading many to believe that the spirits of the Curacoa’s drowned men may very well be lingering aboard the Queen Mary.

The paranormal activity on the Queen Mary is so strong, in fact, that room #340, one of the most haunted aboard the entire ship, is not offered as a cabin to guests. After a staff member was murdered inside the room, the haunting had become so violent that the decision was made to keep it locked and off-limits.

Over the years, countless paranormal investigations have been conducted in order to document the activity experienced with the ship’s ghosts, and as a general rule, ghost hunters don’t often leave empty handed. Photos of phantom figures wandering the halls, mysterious cold spots, and crystal clear EVP recordings are just a few of the pieces of evidence regularly gathered on the Queen Mary.

Ever wanted to spend the night seeking the ghosts of a haunted cruise liner? The perfect opportunity to to visit and investigate the Queen Mary and check this legendary location off your bucket list is right around the corner, and you can do it alongside some of the biggest names in the paranormal field.

This March, the supernatural-travel company Strange Escapes will be hosting a weekend-long event aboard the Queen Mary where you can spend all night chasing phantoms with Kindred Spirits‘ Amy Bruni and Adam Berry, Ghost Hunters’ Grant Wilson and Britt Griffith, Ghost Stalkers‘ John E. L. Tenney, Paranormal State‘s Chip Coffey, Master Illusionist Aiden Sinclair, The Conjuring‘s Andrea Perron, and The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult!

There’s a reason that the Queen Mary has been at the top of must-visit haunted destinations for decades, and now you have a chance to spend a weekend investigating her with some of the most knowledgeable, experienced, and down-to-earth paranormal researchers in the field.

To grab your tickets for Seaside Spirits Aboard the RMS Queen Mary, head over to the official Strange Escapes website.


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