Thursday, July 21, 2016

Strange Audio Recorded After Flatmates Begin Experiencing “Demonic” Activity in Their Apartment

Via by Dana Matthews

It’s not uncommon for people to believe that they’re experiencing paranormal activity around their homes, but quite often the strange happenings can be explained by relatively mundane reasons – old pipes, settling foundations, and old electronics tend to be the usual culprits. But what happens when you set out to explain the mundane and things only get stranger?

Redditor Shizz_McCoy took to the paranormal subreddit to post a firsthand experience with some of the strange experiences she and her flatmates have been experiencing while living in their apartment. At first, the roommates all noticed that their electrical devices would act up, ranging anywhere from phones not fully charging to a playstation freezing completely with a “weird” picture frozen on the screen.

The group began to notice the sounds of random knocks on their walls and doors, which would often arrive in threes, and usually only happened when one of the roommates was home alone. What followed was a series of terrifying paranormal activity straight out of the movies. Before long the flatmates had recorded sounds of disembodied wailing on Skype video calls, and even managed to film strange, shadowy figures in the background.

When the sounds of mysterious voices began coming through almost all of the electrical devices – from iPods, to headphones, to televisions, and even a christmas toy – the group knew that something otherworldly was going on. Quite often the strange voices would sound the same, and as Shizz_McCoy described, would often take on what she claimed was a “demonic” tone.

Eventually the group decided to record the phantom voices after they began to experience the sound of scratching on their bedroom doors at night. After an experience where one of the flatmates was woken by having his covers yanked off, they decided to move, but not before capturing this very strange audio.

According to the reddit post, McCoy claims that during the recording, she was attempting to make communication, and at points even captured an intelligent voice saying “I’ll kill you” and “get out”. I suggest you watch this video in the afternoon, unless scaring the crap out of yourself is your thing. In which case, get to it.


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