Monday, June 20, 2016

Hundreds of Witches Around The World Just Banded Together To Curse Stanford Rapist Brock Turner

Via by Dana Matthews

On Tuesday night, witches around the world took to their altars to collectively hex Brock Turner, the convicted Stanford University rapist who was only sentenced to six months of jail time.
Organized by Iowa native Melanie Elizabeth Hexen, the organized hex began when Hexen and her coven of 13 women saw the lenient sentence given to Turner and decided to take matters into their own hands in order to find revenge for the “outraged and helpless”. Over the course of twelve hours some 600 witches from all over the world had RSVP’d to the event.

Haxen posted the simple spell along with instructions for the ritual on Wednesday June 8, at 10 PM (CT).  By the morning the Facebook page for the event had been deleted, but luckily, Broadly posted a sample of the curse before it disappeared.
“Brock Allen Turner we hex you.
You will be impotent
You will know constant pain of pine needles in your guts
Food will bring you no sustenance
In water, your lungs will fail you
Sleep will only bring nightmares
Shame will be your mantle.
You will meet justice.
My witchcraft is strong. Our witchcraft is powerful. The spell will work. So Mote it be.”
 Hexen explained that many of the woman from her own coven who took part in Tuesday night’s hex are survivors of sexual assault themselves, and for them, the ritual was a therapeutic one. No word if the hex has worked as of yet, but we’ll keep you posted.

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