Friday, April 1, 2016

Were These Toys Haunted or Possessed?

Via by Stephen Wagner

Can everyday objects be haunted? It has been argued by some paranormal researchers that if places such as houses, castles, asylums, theatres, and lighthouses can be haunted, why not objects? If a haunting is residual energy of some kind, could it not cling to a particular object just as it seems to hold on to a specific location?

The reports that follow, sent in my readers of this website, suggest that energy of an unexplained nature could linger on certain objects. And in each of the cases below, objects that are meant to bring joy to children -- toys.

Toy Phone Wouldn't Stop Ringing

For Falica, the haunted object was an ordinary toy telephone. "It happened on Friday the 13th in March of 2015 in Belvidere, Illinois at my house," she says. "I have little siblings and one of them had a toy phone and it wouldn't turn off, so I took the batteries out of it... and it kept on ringing!"

Falica was so unnerved by the phone's impossible behavior that she threw it at the wall and broke it.

And it haunts her even now, although in a different way. "Still to this day, I can hear the ringing when I'm home alone."

Toys Turn Themselves On

Most toys have off switches for good reason: When you don't want to play with them, you can flick the switch and silence them. Not all toys obey this simple rule of logic, however, as Bailey can tell you.

"This happened when I was around six or seven at my father's house in Bakersfield, California," she says. "He had always said that ghosts followed him, so there had been many strange occurrences in my childhood, but this one memory stands out the most.

"At our father's home, my sister and I had a toy house, big enough for us to play in. We had the idea to spend the night in the toy house one night. It was the early 1990s and we had these two god-awful toys: one was a shooting game with which we could shooting plastic with an gun air; the other was Tommy the Telephone, a white toy phone with a clown-like face that would say short, witty things when dialing or pressing his buttons.

"On the night we slept in the house we had both toys with us. Neither of them had batteries, but we kept them in the house. We were ready for bed when we heard in the silence of the night, 'Hi! I'm Tommy the Telephone. Wanna play a game?' My sister and I both jolted up and our eyes widened. Less than a minute later, the shooting game started making the noise it would make when a can got knocked down repeatedly.

"My sister and I screamed and ran to the sliding glass door, banging on it for our dad to let us in. The dogs began barking violently at the toy house, and once we got inside we ran to our room and told our dad. I can't remember ever seeing either toys since."

Possessed Toy Lion

Can a toy be haunted or possessed by a once-living person? Beka wonders if a toy animal she received from her great-grandfather somehow contained his spirit.

"When I was two or three years old, my great-grandfather 'Gunga' gave me a toy lion, which I immediately declared to be 'Dog,'" Beka says. "I carried it everywhere for years afterward.

"Shortly after giving me Dog, Gunga died of natural causes. I vaguely remember having a conversation with Gunga after he had died, which I thought was perfectly normal as a three year old. I had assumed I'd imagined or dreamed the conversation until the subject happened to come up several years ago when I was about 20. My mum told me that she'd heard me talking to someone in an empty room when I was three, and when she asked who I was talking to, I naturally answered, 'Gunga.' She apparently also smelled cigar smoke, which she associated with him.

"As I grew up, I was a skeptical child and was very into science. I never believed in anything I couldn't see and touch, and I never imagined that there were monsters in my wardrobe or anything like that.

"After years of serious reflection, I fished Dog out of the back of my wardrobe and, feeling sentimental, apologized (in my head) for neglecting him for so long. I was going to sleep with the toy in my arms when I developed a painful stomach ache exactly where Dog was touching my stomach. I cast him away and my stomach-ache immediately disappeared. I dismissed it as psychosomatic, and went to sleep.

"The next night I curled up again with Dog,,, and this is where it gets weird. The toy started to violently shake, almost vibrate. I'm certain I didn't imagine it. Dog has no mechanics or anything inside him that moves. The movement was definitely not coming from me. He was shaking so violently that if I'd let him go he'd have fallen off the bed, but I couldn't let go.

"I was definitely unnerved, but I wasn't exactly scared. I knew it was Gunga, maybe remonstrating me for ignoring him for so long, maybe just saying hello. I said aloud something like, 'You're scaring me, now stop it.' And the shaking immediately stopped. Nothing has happened since, and I kind of regret telling Gunga to go away."

Haunted Pokemon Cards

David was nearly 11 years old in 2006 and living in Rockville, Maryland when this strange occurrence took place with his prized Pokemon cards. "My sister and I had two friends (a boy and a girl) who we would hang out with as they lived in the same apartment community as us," he says.

"One day, the boy and I were about to play Pokemon cards in his room with both of us sitting on his bed. I had the full deck of cards in my hands, about 11 cards in all. I shuffled them then sorted them out when I noticed that one was missing. How did a card that was part of the deck I just shuffled disappear when I had been looking at them the whole time?

"I looked under the pillow that was to the left of me, and there it was! It was a card with a bird Pokemon called Pidgey. We noticed how strange it was, so I shuffled again -- and the same thing happened with the same card! The same thing happened with my friend when he shuffled them."

Each time the boys shuffled the cards, the same card would disappear from the deck and reappear under the pillow... except the last time because David moved the pillow away. "When it disappeared again," he says, "I found it on top of the white shelf that was directly behind where the pillow was! I think that I experienced the DOPler effect (disappearing object phenomenon), which I only found out, I think, four years after the experience."


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