Monday, March 7, 2016

Is this the sound of Satan being burned alive during an exorcism?

Via by Jennifer Newton

A priest has played a recording of a woman barking like a dog and screaming during an exorcism which he claims is the sound of Satan being burned alive by the words of the gospel.

The clip was played to the congregation at the Ostrog Serbian Orthodox monastery in Montenegro to highlight the fact that there are not enough exorcists currently working in the church.

The priest Arsenije Jovanovic wearing dark glasses is seen holding a mobile phone in which the recording of the exorcism is playing so that the believers can hear what is happening.

A woman's voice is heard barking like a dog, and then screaming as the priest who was next to her reads prayers.

Father Jovanovic said: 'This is how humanity screams! But at the same time this is a wonderful scream, because she is not the one screaming, the screaming is from Satan inside her, because the gospel is burning him.'

Another priest, father Slagjan Mijaljevic, said it was not surprising that there was a shortage of priests who could carry out all exorcisms as it was difficult work.

He said: 'An exorcism can last up to an hour and needs to be performed by older priests in monasteries that are far from the cities, where it can be carried out in complete purity and under the guidance of the sacraments.

'A spiritual person who is doing the exorcism must be very strong.

'Most priests don't want to take it on, even though people are asking for help. Unfortunately the result is that today there is a lack of exorcists.'

He said the people undergoing an exorcism will scream, suddenly speak in foreign languages and even try and attack the priest.

He added: 'When the devil comes out of a person, the person usually does not remember anything.

'The most impressive exorcism that I ever had to attend to was the banishing of the devil from a man after 12 years of possession.

'After the procedure the man was only able to remember five months of the previous 12 years.'


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