Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Argentina shuts down its UFO research unit

Via unexplained-mysteries.com

Founded back in 2011, the controversial department had managed to investigate just ten UFO sightings. Known as the Commission for the Study of Aerospace Phenomena ( CEFAE ), Argentina's real-life 'X-Files' unit had employed a number of civilian and military experts whose goal was to investigate sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects within the country's airspace.

Sadly though the department didn't really live up to its promises and now, following the arrival of President Mauricio Macri, it has been officially discontinued on a permanent basis.

In its final report, which also happened to be its first, the department revealed that during its five years it had managed to investigate just ten UFO sightings of which nine had been conclusively explained as soccer balls, helicopters, laser pointers, satellites and the planet Jupiter.

The tenth case remained inconclusive because the witness failed to supply a photograph.

The department's report concluded by saying:

"Although the totality of the cases analyzed here have turned out to be compatible with causes of a known origin, they nevertheless constitute very valuable testimony from the point of UFO research, especially in corroborating the existence of an overwhelming percentage of IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) that turn out to be from honest but erroneous interpretations, in which ordinary objects have been confused with extraordinary ones."

The new government is now understood to be conducting an investigation in to how the funds originally assigned to CEFAE had actually been spent over the last five years.


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