Monday, March 21, 2016

Are there clouds on Pluto? Discovery reignites push to reinstate 'planet' status

New Horizon images of Pluto with markings highlighting possible cloud formations. Photo: NASA/JPL
Via by Marcus Strom

Pluto just won't give up. The distant clump of rock smaller than our own moon seems to be making a renewed push to be recognised as a planet.

Ten years after the International Astronomical Union demoted it to one of the many dwarf planets orbiting the sun, some scientists think it just might have clouds.

New Scientist magazine has published conversations on an internal discussion list between planetary scientists wondering if images from September last year showed Plutonian haze or if they could be considered discrete cloud formations.

On that list, Will Grundy, a scientist at Lowell Observatory in Arizona, said: "There's a few fairly localised low-altitude features just above the limb that I've drawn lame arrows pointing to, but also a few bright cloud-like things that seem to be above and cutting across the topography in the circled area."

Dr Grundy told Fairfax Media that he wished that discussion hadn't been made public at this stage.

"We haven't had a chance to convince ourselves it's real," he said.

The head of the New Horizon mission that took the images of Pluto said they need to determine what the distinction is between clouds and haze.

"One way to think of it is that clouds are discrete features, hazes widespread," Alan Stern wrote on the discussion list, as reported by New Scientist.

Dr Stern is an advocate for Pluto to have planetary status. He has previously said that Pluto not only meets "geophysical planetary definition" but also passes the "Star Trek test".

Dr Stern has told the US Public Broadcasting Service that "the Star Trek test is really simple".

"When Captain Kirk turns on the viewfinder, the audience knows immediately if it's a planet or a star or simply an asteroid or small comet or something.

"They don't have to do any math. You just look at it. This is what I call the Star Trek test. People know a planet when they see one, and I think that's a pretty darn good test, in fact, for planethood."

A spokesman for the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University is more reserved. "Pluto's atmosphere, including hazes, is complex - and scientists continue to analyse and discuss incoming data as part of the normal science process.

"As the team always does, we'll post an image feature just as soon as we have more analysis and consensus."

In October last year, NASA released photos showing that Pluto has blue skies and water.

The images were taken by NASA's New Horizon probe, which has since flown well past Pluto. However, Dr Grundy said they are still receiving data from New Horizons that will help them decide whether the Plutonian smudges are clouds or haze.


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