Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hikers freak out over burning 'devil tree'


A video showing a tree burning from the inside out while producing very little smoke has appeared online. The disturbing spectacle was discovered by two hikers who happened to come across it while out walking in the woods near the city of Defiance in Ohio.

One of the men took out his cellphone and started to film the fire as it slowly engulfed the inside of the tree while leaving the outer trunk and branches untouched. Even more peculiar was the almost complete lack of smoke from the blaze despite its apparent intensity.

The footage managed to generate several hundred thousand views after being posted online with Internet users dubbing it the 'devil tree' due to its peculiar nature and eerie orange glow.

While many have suggested that the fire may have been started through some sort of supernatural process, the most likely explanation is that the tree had been struck by lightning shortly beforehand.


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