Saturday, January 2, 2016

'800-year-old mobile' hoax circulates the web


The claim that an ancient mobile phone has been unearthed in Austria has been doing the rounds online. The bizarre story, which centers around the discovery of a 'mobile phone' at an excavation in the Austrian state of Salzburg, has been hailed by some as evidence that mankind has had access to advanced technology for centuries and that extraterrestrial visitors may have been responsible.

The phone, which looks like it has seen better days, is adorned with buttons exhibiting peculiar symbols that conspiracy theorists believe to be the Cuneiform writings of ancient Mesopotamia (despite the fact that this would actually make the device several thousand years old. )

Next to no information at all can be found about the story however from what little there is it is difficult to find anything conclusive - much less anything that backs up the ancient origins claim.

Suffice to say it is highly likely that the whole thing is little more than an imaginative hoax.


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