Friday, December 25, 2015

Readers' Most Wonderful Santa Sightings

Via by Stephen Wagner

He sees you when you’re sleeping... he knows when you're awake. But have you ever seen him? These readers are convinced that they have proof that Santa Claus exists because they've seen him with their own eyes. They believe!

Here are some of the most enchanting Santa sightings as seen through the eyes of children.


By Sarah A.

I saw Santa when I was a little more than three years old. It was Christmas Eve and my Aunt Susan was spending the night with us.

She got my bed and I had to sleep on the floor. I went to sleep and awoke around 2:30 a.m. to something glowing in the hallway outside my bedroom. When I fully opened my eyes, I could see that Santa was standing in my door with a mystical, magical glow around him. It was silver and gold and glittery.

Santa looked right at me and without moving his mouth, he said to me, "Now you know you are supposed to be asleep while I am here, don't you?" I told him that I knew I was supposed to be asleep but how could I? He told me, "Close your eyes and at least pretend."

I was shocked. Even at three years old I knew this could be a dream, but I know I was awake. People have told me maybe it was my father, and maybe it was. How he got the hallway to glow with glitter would be beyond me, but as far as I am concerned, it was 100% the spirit of Santa Claus. I am now 41 years old and still believe that I saw him. I strongly believe in the spirit of Christmas, and hope my two young sons will always believe as well.


By Danielle

It was in the early hours of the morning, around about 2:00 a.m. I suddenly woke up and there was silence all around. I noticed that I left my window wide open, so I went to go and shut it. As I did, I felt tingles down the back my neck and heard what I thought was Santa Claus: a distant "Ho-ho-ho" from a few meters or so away.

And up in the sky was a large, red, glowing ball with eight little brown blobs at the front. From that day on, I have always believed in Santa Claus – and always will.


By Grace

My parents told me there was no Santa when I was 10, but now I'm 11 and I believe in him because I remember a time when I was seven and my family and I went to New York City for Christmas. We were all asleep in the hotel room. Suddenly, my brother (who was 9 at the time) and I woke up and we looked out the window and saw in the cold sky a little red thing with what looked like something pulling it in the sky. Every Christmas from now on I'm going to leave cookies and milk and not tell anybody. Even if it doesn't work, I still think Santa is real.


By Mellenf87

When I was six, I woke up in the night of Christmas Eve to a faint ching-ching-ching-ching and stood at the windowsill in my bedroom. I saw something. If there is one color that's more distinct than the red of blood, it was the red I saw outside in the distance. It made a sudden drop, which proved to me it wasn't an airplane. We all have a feeling of when we are not dreaming. Maybe it is not clear while we are dreaming, but it is clear when we are awake. If someone says they weren't dreaming in a stern sense, then they were not dreaming.

I was definitely not dreaming as I jumped into bed, and within five seconds heard a quiet thump. Someone shyly walked down the hallway with what I called "big footsteps" and leaned over me. Anything that happened after that is fogged. I believed it was Santa Claus and he cast me to sleep.


By Sydney

One night, when I was about three or four years old (I'm 12 now), I woke up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. I don't know what time it was, but being the bright, energetic toddler I was, I got up and decided to look out the window, which was just a few feet from my bed. Within moments, I saw Santa in his sleigh with nine reindeer flying in front of him – and he was flying toward my house!

This was no dream! I was shocked and was worried he'd be mad at me if he knew I was awake, so I jumped back into my bed and hid under my covers. I am twelve now and my belief in Santa is really strong, no matter what my friends try to say to me. He exists!


By Anya

I saw Santa twice and St.

Nick once (Dec. 6). My dad was gawking out the window and yelled for us to come. Up in the sky was Santa! My parents' faces went blank and white. I was eight at the time. I am now just turned 14 and I saw Santa again when I was 12. I went downstairs to peek, and there he was in front of me.

He then disappeared. I saw St. Nick completely by accident. I was walking to the bathroom, forgetting it was the night. Our stockings were floating in the middle of the hall. They fell to the ground... and that's all I remember because I fell asleep in the hall. To all you doubters: Santa does exist, not just in your heart, but physically. I will always believe.


I was between the ages of six and eight and I always believed in Santa.

But I never really knew for sure. Well, one morning, the way my room was set up I could see straight through my bathroom to my parents’ room. On the side, their door was open, which led to the living room. I was looking straight through the rooms and could see my mom and dad plain as day sleeping.

Then all of a sudden I saw this glimpse of a Christmas hat flop over the side of their bedroom door, as if something or someone was peeking in at me in my room.

It had the little white ball at the end, and that's what caught my eye. It actually scared me, so I hurried and closed my eyes. Then I heard something that sounded like it was walking on my backpack that was lying in my bedroom floor, so I kept my eyes shut and eventually fell back to sleep. To this day it's still so vivid in my mind. I know most people think kids have big imaginations, but I truly believe I saw Santa Claus.


By Day

Once when I was five, I went downstairs (where the Christmas tree was placed) to get a cup of water. I saw a red jacket and a big white beard. I paused and hid behind the banister to see what he was doing. He was holding a bag that looked almost empty, but he still was pulling out tons of presents from it. I looked closer. I saw that there was one cookie left and one sip of milk left. I saw him taking the last cookie and the last sip of milk. And when he was done, there where presents galore. I saw him start to go to the stairs, so I ran up as quiet as I could.

I pretended to sleep while he kissed my siblings and me and tucked us up. I saw his rosy cheeks so I knew it was not my dad. I looked out the window and I saw him and he said, "Day! Be good, just like this year! Merry Christmas and to all a good night." And I heard him say faintly, "Some people believe me, some do not... but whoever hears knows I'm real. Good night! And may you see coal or toys tonight!" That is when I knew he was real!


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