Saturday, December 12, 2015

Middle East geoglyphs predate Nazca Lines


Some of the mysterious geometric shapes in the deserts of the Middle East are over 8,500 years old.

The enigmatic geoglyphs, which were first discovered during World War One, come in a wide range of different shapes and sizes and can be found across the entire Arabia region from Syria to Yemen.

Researchers now believe that some of the patterns might even predate the famous Nazca Lines of Peru and that they have been arranged in such a way so as to have astronomical significance.

The spoked wheel designs have been of particular interest as the spokes appear to exhibit a southeast-northwest orientation in alignment with sunrise during the winter solstice.

Some of the patterns may have also been associated with burials or had ritualistic significance.

Like the Nazca Lines the mysterious geoglyphs are only really apparent from far above, despite the fact that the technology to view them from such a height wouldn't be invented for several millennia.

The Bedouin, who frequent these desert regions, refer to the formations as "works of the old men."


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