Friday, December 25, 2015

Inventor builds real-life working lightsaber


One man has found a way to build the Star Wars weapon using a very cleverly disguised flamethrower. Arguably the most sought-after science fiction weapon in history, the trusty lightsaber - a futuristic sword with a blade comprised of burning plasma - has proven very difficult to replicate in real-life.

Most replica and toy lightsabers are simple plastic rods with a light inside to make them glow and a sound-effects chip to make them sound like they do in the Star Wars movies.

There are however a select few that defy this convention.

Allen Pan of YouTube channel Sufficiently Advanced for example wowed the Internet this week after posting a video of his latest invention - a working lightsaber with an actual burning blade.

The extraordinary weapon works using a methanol/acetone fuel mixture and butane as a propellant.

While the flame isn't quite as physical as the blade of the lightsabers in the movies, it can still do quite a lot of damage as demonstrated by Pan in the video as he instantly burns a photograph of infamous Phantom Menace character Jar Jar Binks when the flame comes in to contact with it.

As far as replica lightsabers go this one is undeniably impressive.


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