Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tales of the Ouija - Part 15

Via by Stephen Wagner

Who doesn't like a good, scary Ouija board story? Even if we question whether or not the story is completely true or at the very least exaggerated for effect, they can be entertaining. Still, the authors of the stories that follow contend that they are 100 percent true, as they remember them, and provide the requisite warnings to others considering experimenting with the "witch board." Except for one writer, who believes he might have contacted the spirit of none other than William Shakespeare!

Here are their tales of the Ouija.


I'm not one who believes in the paranormal and will only believe something when I witness it for myself, but last summer, four friends and I did a Ouija board made out of paper letters and a crystal glass on a mirror placed on the floor.

Nothing much happened on this occasion, but after hearing bangs and knocks, we decided to end the game. We didn't know much about the do's and don’ts of the game, we just all lifted our fingers off the crystal glass. When we did so, the glass spun uncontrollably with none of us touching it, and the feeling what came over everyone was weird, like energy was sucked out of us.

After doing research, we found out you need to ask permission to leave, and how we need to finish the game.

The following night, we set the Ouija board up in the same way and the same people played. The crystal glass became active very quickly. The spirit claimed to be my friend’s nan. My friend asked if the spirit of her nan was proud of her and it spelled, NO.

After our research, we knew that the friendly spirit of her nan most likely had been taken over by a stronger one. It spelled out the name of my other friend, Sarah. Sarah's had killed a burglar who had broken in to their home one night and had their three-year old child hostage.

We asked the Ouija who the spirit wanted to talk to. It spelled, SARAH, then violently slid very fast to letters spelling out, SARAHS DAD DEAD. After freaking out, Sarah jumped up and ran out of the room without permission from the board. She fell down the stairs and lay at the bottom with her eyes rolling back and blood coming from her mouth.

We quickly asked permission to end the game and when we did, Sarah awoke. There were no cuts in her mouth to cause the blood and there was one long scratch from her hair line down to her hip bone. We smashed the glass and got out the house.

Ever since that night, I continuously hear loud bangs, things go missing then just reappear. Is it the spirit from that night? Should I try to get a priest to come around or would that make it angrier? – Koren Smith


I was a senior at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion when I was playing with the Ouija board with one of my roommates, now deceased. Her name was Beverly and I'd rather not use her last name because it could bring back unpleasant memories for her family.

In 1967, I was looking forward to graduation, some travel, going to my first job, etc. Naturally, I wanted to find out my prospects for marriage in the near future (I hoped). When Beverly and I played Ouija, it answered all of my questions, not always honestly, but usually accurately if I indicated that the question was important. Beverly was not so fortunate. Most of the time the planchette ran off the board.

In 1969 I moved to St. Louis, Missouri and was surprised to receive a letter from my Beverly's hometown in South Dakota. Anxious to hear from her, I tore eagerly into the letter only to discover it was from her brother. He told me that Beverly died in her sleep just a couple of weeks before.

Is this why the planchette had always gone off the board when we asked it questions about Beverly's future? I may never know, but by saying nothing, the Ouija had told me that there was no future for my friend who had worked so hard to become a teacher. All this happened 46 years ago, yet I remember it like yesterday. It turned out Bev had had a serious heart condition that had not been identified. – PC Ress


It was June of 2013, and several friends of mine from college decided to rent a little cottage out on Cape Cod, Massachusetts for a week-long vacation. Unfortunately, the weather was cold and rainy, so we wound up holding a Ouija board session. We did a session the first night without any too strange incidents. Unfortunately, this is how we wound up making a terrible decision to use the board a second time.

Out of the original six of us, only May, Julie, Adam, and I decided we would try to make contact again (everyone else was upstairs watching a movie). Adam had jumped into a shower and after waiting a long time, the three of us girls decided to start without him. We set up a circle of white candles, cups of water and sat down at the coffee table in a small triangle.

We said a blessing and began by calling on my spirit guide (I'd read that day that it was something to do to promote positive energy). After about ten minutes of nothing, the planchette slowly began to move, saying HELLO. I asked for a name and the planchette spelled out, XAVIER. I asked if he was my spirit guide, but he said, NO.

I then asked if he was the spirit guide of anyone at the table and he spelled out, JULIE. We asked if there was something he wanted to tell Julie. Once again, at a slow crawl, the planchette spelled out, I AM GOING IN. Confused and bewildered, we asked him to repeat his answer. He spelled out again, I AM GOING IN, and then, JULIE.

Julie was beginning to get nervous, so I told the entity that if he was not a positive spirit he was not welcome, and that we were ending this conversation. Together, the three of us pushed the planchette to GOODBYE.

Suddenly, the planchette forcefully flew over to NO. We had this tug-of-war several times just as Adam came downstairs. Scared and desperate to clear the board, I asked my friends to help me move the planchette in circles. (I'd read this was a method of "cleansing the board's energy" and hoped it would help to expel Xavier.)

Adam sat down a couple of feet away and noticed my camera on the table and asked if he should record what was happening. The lights were beginning to flicker and the candles were blowing around although we had no air conditioning and the windows were all closed. Adam turned it on and said, "Oh,0 your battery is about to die."

I continued to chant in my head, Only good energy may enter here... as well as several prayers. I could see Julie swaying a little bit, like she felt sick. Trying to say goodbye and being forcefully rejected several more times, I was thoroughly terrified and decided I'd had enough. I took the planchette off the board and told everyone I was going to rip it up.

Suddenly, I noticed May's and Adam's expressions. They were both fearfully staring at Julie. She was sitting up, her posture stiff like a soldier at attention. She was staring straight ahead and the middle of her lip was twitching, curling back in a furious, almost feral way. I immediately had chills. I tried to convince myself she was playing a mean joke, but she is not that good of an actress.

Adam, Julie's boyfriend, leaned forward, asking, "Julie? Honey, you ok?" She didn't answer and didn't move, except for her eyes, which were suddenly sharp and predatory, darted over to him and her lip continued to twitch up, revealing her teeth. When I tried to get her attention, I received the same dark, evil sideways glare, her body rigid and unmoving.

By now, all of us were demanding her attention and trying to snap her out of it. I frantically tried to think of what to do, feeling it was my fault as the "medium" for not having protected the circle. Not knowing any really effective prayers, I remembered a bracelet I was wearing had been given to me as a gift by a distant cousin, who was a priest, and that the beads were blessed. Desperate, I pressed the beads against her arm and held on, yelling her name and telling her to wake up, hoping that the contact with a cross and blessed beads would somehow snap her out it.

Julie tried to jerk away, but her face changed and she was gasping as if she'd just run a mile and shuddering violently. When she finally could speak, she asked for a blanket, telling us she was freezing. May ran upstairs and grabbed one. Julie's arms were ice cold although the cottage was fairly warm. While we asked her what had happened, I ripped up the board, threw it in a bag of salt, and quickly began to smudge the house with smoke.

To the best of my recollection, this was the conversation that followed:

Julie: "X-xav... He-- he was a big guy."

May: "Big guy? What do you mean, big?"

Julie, gesturing, to about six inches over her shoulders: "Well, look at my shoulders are and his were, here! And, and oh... He didn't like when you tried to make him leave." She was looking at me.

Me: "What do you mean? You could hear him?"

Julie: "Every time you tried to bring the planchette to GOODBYE, he would scream, ‘No!’ and throw it away. And he really didn't like the camera."

Adam, close to tears: "What-- What do you mean?"

Julie: "When you picked it up, he looked at you and growled, ‘Kill.’ And then he'd look at you when you tried to make him leave.” Looking at me again. “And say ‘KILL.’”

May: "So, you could hear him? You couldn't say anything? Did you talk to him?"

Julie, closing her eyes: "No. It was like I was there, but I was trapped. I couldn't move. I was screaming and I couldn't say anything."

Julie tried later to replicate the twitching in her lip, but couldn't get it to look remotely similar. That cold look that was in her eyes was also definitely not her, and the growl, I don't believe it was human. I made Julie wear my beads for protection for the rest of the night and, thankfully, nothing else happened during the final days of our stay.

I will never forget this experience. I know how unbelievable it sounds. I lived through it and as much as I want to question it and seek the logic, I know that evil exists and it is out there. The only consolation that I have is that there is also great good, and I believe that as long as I believe in that, I will be protected. Even though it is incredible I assure you that my story is entirely true. – Kelly Maher


I have used the Ouija board one time before this instance I am about to relate. It wasn't all that scary, but was more heartwarming than anything, talking to people I knew from the past. But the second time I decided to use it, it was the creepiest experience of my life. Of course, everyone's heard of the notorious demon, Zozo. Now I'm not 100 percent sure that the entity I spoke to was Zozo or Zaza, but whatever it was, it was evil.

It started out with my two roommates wanting to bring out the board. I had an unsure feeling, a feeling like I knew something might happen, but I decided to take a crazy risk, but also with caution. We went into a dark, enclosed room, turned off the lights, lit sage candles, put a silver necklace on the board, and said a long prayer. Once we were comfortable, we finally started with this crazy, short journey.

Me: “Is there anybody there that would like to speak with us?”

Entity: “Yes.”

Me: “Are you a good spirit?”

Entity: “Yes.”

Me: “What is your name?”

Entity: gibberish.

Me: “Spirit, I do not understand. I'm sorry. What is your name?”

Entity: “Bitch. Donnie.” (Donnie is my boyfriend.) “Rape.”

Me: “Are you speaking of my boyfriend, spirit?”

Entity: “Yes. I will kill him.”

Me: “Spirit, I'm sorry, but we must go now. Thank you for your time in speaking with us.”

Entity: “No.” More gibberish

Me: “I'm sorry, spirit, but we must go.”

Entity: “No. I will kill him.” More gibberish. “666.”

Me: “Spirit, we must go!  Thank you for your time, but we must part ways.”

Entity: “Goodbye.”

Everything returned to normal after that day, but I asked my boyfriend to be serious with me. He swore to me he's never raped anybody. I've known him for about four years now, and I know him better than that.

The same day, I was working a night shift, and my roommate went to a bar. When he came home, he texted me, "Someone's been in the house." Our coffee table was turned upside-down, and items were thrown everywhere. That night when I got home, I went crazy. I had a feeling it was the board, or something to do with it. I had to get rid of it.

Right before I started cutting it with a serrated knife, my friend's chest was mildly hurting. But once I put that knife into it, he went absolutely nuts. His chest was killing him. He was in so much pain that he didn't even sound like himself anymore. I thought to myself that even if it is the board, I might as well rip the bandage off the wound and get it over with. Once I was finally done cutting it, he went to sleep and I threw it on the porch.

A week later, everything being alright, he finally got around to throwing it away. When the garbage truck came to pick up our trash, he saw the board go into the truck and leave off. But about two days later, the board was back in our yard.

Honestly, I wish this story weren't true, just because it's happened to me. It's always been something you'd see in a horror movie, but never something you'd think would happen in real life. Advice to anyone and everyone: Do not play with an Ouija board -- unless you want to take a serious risk of going mentally crazy, risk possession, or risk losing someone you love. – Whitney Lefebvre


This phenomenal experience happened in July, 2013 at my girlfriend’s house in Cardiff City, Wales, United Kingdom. I was never a believer in the spiritual world, yet like any mortal man with hopes of finding peace in death, I did believe in the afterlife. But never this.

Ouija boards have never really tickled my fancy. Though never scared, I never believed. My girlfriend brought up the idea, so we made our own Ouija board, to which I thought nothing would happen.

And for fifteen minutes, nothing did... until the shot glass moved when I asked it a question.

I was the speaker and my girlfriend wrote down what the “spirits” might say. I researched this topic, too. To make sure that if in any case her house may become a supernatural playground for the demons of the underworld, I could prevent it from happening before it even started: do not ask them to prove their existence and do not messing around.

This is about my encounter with William Shakespeare.

Me: “Are there any entities or spirits here?”

Board: “Yes.”

Me: “Are you a good spirit?”

Board: “Yes.”

Me: “What is your name?”

The board slowly spelt out its letters, and I thought it was just someone with my middle name as their first and nothing more, until the board spelt: S-H-A-K. And after those four letters were spelled, my heart fell into my stomach.

Board: “William Shakespeare.”

There was thirty seconds of silence before I asked anything else, for I and my girlfriend thought, "There is no way." I thought it was her just messing around with me.

Who would think different? But the more the conversation grew, the more real it felt.

Me: “The William Shakespeare? The greatest author in English literature history? The man who shaped and formed our language. You are William Shakespeare?”

Board: “Yes. Fortune lies with thy story.”

I am an author myself, in the midst of writing a book, so how he knew that was a mystery.

Me: “Thank you. May I ask a few questions about yourself?”

Board: “Yes.”

Me: “How did you die?”

The board stopped for a moment, but he then...

Board: “Stabbed in the heart.”

There was a little silence here, and then I asked...

Me: “Were you Christopher Marlowe?”

Board: “Yes.”

My girlfriend and I were so overwhelmed with what we were seeing, that we could not think of anything else to say. So we asked him if he had a question for us, he did.

Board: “Is your love true?”

Me: “Yes, of course it is. We do love each other.”

Board: “Thy are Romeo, and thou are Juliet.”

Which was a compliment to us both, in fairness, and I felt very comfortable talking to him.

Me: “May I ask if you were actually bi-sexual? This question is around a lot nowadays.”

Board: “Yes.”

Me: “I thought as much. How come you are on a Ouija board? I mean, spirits on this are ones that are stuck in the world of Limbo or Purgatory, are they not?”

Board: “God does not save.”

The words sent shivers up my spine. Not much was said after that. He complimented us, and we complimented him. I wish I asked him more questions than what I did, but I just couldn't think to do so at that time. I was just so overwhelmed with everything.

When we were saying our goodbyes, we asked if he would like to say anything to us before he left, and he said...

Board: “Sunlight doth thy antidote to life.”

And he left. I accused my girlfriend of playing around afterward, but she was adamant that it was not her and thought it were me. I Googled what he said before he left, and "Sunlight doth thy antidote to life" does not exist in any known literature piece. I know that I did not make it up, and I know that she did not.

That experience changed me and my writing as a whole. I started to notice things about me and Shakespeare. We have the same birthday (aside birth year, of course) and we look similar, too. Think of it as garbage, that's fine. But even out of all my greatest creativity and wildest imagination, I could not have crafted that as a story to be a pretend of non-fiction. Maybe we should look into Shakespeare a little closer than what we have done. – Gage William Rogers


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