Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tales of the Ouija- Part 14

Via by Stephen Wagner

Four remarkable, terrifying true stories of paranormal contact through the Ouija

There are perhaps no other categories of true paranormal stories that readers find scarier than experiences with the Ouija board. Let’s face it: It has a frightening reputation, whether you believe the stories or not. And maybe it’s because it’s such a common occult item. Who among us as not experimented with the board at one time or another and had strange results?

The results the readers experienced in the tales that follow are perhaps stranger than most. Are they true, partly true, exaggerated, or entirely fabricated to give you a good scare? I’ll leave that judgment up to you, but I’ll bet in any case that they’ll make you think twice before you ever again rest your fingers on the Ouija planchette.


This happened during the early weeks of June, 2012 in the Poconos, Pennsylvania. Every summer break I would visit my best friend, Nicole, who I have known since the sixth grade. This summer visit had been, to say the least, the most unusual.

As soon as I arrived at her house she explained to me that she and her father had gone to a flea market and she found a cheap Ouija board that she would love to try out later that night. Me, being a believer in aliens, spirits, ghosts, etc., I was a bit scared to try it. In the back of my mind I knew that this was not a good idea, but not wanting to ruin her fun or seem like a scaredy-cat, I agreed to it.

As night came, Nicole and I were lounging around until she asked me if I would like to try the Ouija board. She placed 8-10 lit candles in an oval around the Ouija board and told me to sit across from her. We placed the Ouija board between us, resting in our laps with our fingers pressed lightly on the planchette.

I was a bit nervous, I'll be honest.

I just didn't know what to expect. Nicole was more excited about this than I was, so she did most of the talking, asking questions like, "Ouija, are you there? Ouija, are you with us?" Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be happening, which relaxed me slightly. My friend continued this approach for about ten minutes before getting a bit frustrated and deciding that we had to be doing something wrong since nothing was happening. She looked online for more directions on how to correctly use the Ouija board, and it turns out we had to hold the planchette a specific way.

We did as instructed and my friend continued her questioning, "Ouija, are you there? Ouija, are you with us?" Now here's where it gets weird. We started to hear noises. A distant cry could be heard. I wrote it off, thinking it could have just been the TV going on in another room. Then the curtains on her window started to rustle. The wind, I would say... but her windows weren't open and her A/C wasn't on. Then a floor board creaked. Okay, I thought, these are just coincidences.

Then the candle to the right of me started to flicker! But just one candle! Nicole and I looked around in confusion at all the other candles, but only that one flickered. Its shadow would dim and grow, dim and grow, dim and grow, until its shadow grew to an unusually big circle.

Nicole continued, "Ouija, are you there?" All of a sudden the planchette moved! We looked up at each other, wide-eyed. "Ouija, are you with us?" Nicole asked again, and the planchette moved slowly but surely to YES. "Ouija, how did you die?" It didn't answer. "How did you die? Did you die in a fire, Ouija?" This time the planchette moved to NO. "Are you a good spirit or a bad spirit?" It moved to NO.

Finally, Nicole asked, "Ouija, who are you?" Slowly the planchette spelled out M-O-M in precise and sure movements. I remember choking out, "Mom?" I began to cry.

My mother died when I turned eight, two weeks after my birthday on July 31, 2004, from a freak accident while on a hiking trip with friends. She was only 44 years old. This certainly was not my friend moving the planchette. Never in a million years would she play such a cruel prank on me. She asked me if I wanted to stop, but I told her no. I wanted to see what my mom wanted.

This time I asked the questions, while my subdued and shocked friend watched. "Mom, is that you?" YES, the planchette moved. I cried. "How old were you when you died?" It moved toward the 4 and stayed there. "How old was I?" It pointed to the 8. "How old was Christian when you died?" Christian is my little brother, four years younger than I. The planchette moved to the 4.

She answered all I needed to know. Even Nicole hadn't known when my mother died or how old she was, or even how old I was. I rarely ever talk about it. Then I started rambling, "Mom, I miss you so much. I love you so much. I miss you. Things haven't been the same." I was a mess. I asked, "Do you miss me, Mom?" It moved to the YES. I could just feel how much she meant it. It made my heart break. I asked her if she loved me and the planchette stayed at the YES. I know these are silly questions to ask, but I just really wanted to hear them. I missed her so much.

I don't remember how long she had been there, but I remember her saying GOODBYE. Afterward, I felt relief. I felt like a weight I didn't even know was there was lifted off my shoulders. I felt that she had been trying to contact me this whole time and finally got to. I had not talked to her since, but I will never forget that experience for as long as I live.

Nicole and I have only talked of it once more after that, but never again. I am just grateful for the experience. I do not advise anyone to try it, though, because I was lucky enough to just have my mom contact me. You can never be too sure with Ouija boards. Be very careful if you ever use one. – Shannon C.


It was a Friday evening in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, around 1997. Two of my friends and I were playing the Ouija board, as teens usually do at a sleepover. We asked the board to give us some proof that its powers are real, or something to that effect. The pointer spelled out "TV 8 PCP".

We ran into the living room and turned on the TV, which was already set to channel 8. Playing was the movie Desperate Lives at the part when Helen Hunt takes PCP and jumps out a second-story window.

It was kind of creepy the board wanted us to see that.

We refused to play anymore that night. With much certainty, I felt this to be a genuine encounter with a Ouija entity, or something of the sort. I wish I was creative enough to make this up. Realistically, what is the possibility a bunch of 13-year-old kids had the ability to execute such a hoax on me: suggest playing the board, asking that question, to then turn on the TV at that exact moment in the movie? With today's technology it may be possible, but not so much in 1997.

I have tried to find a logical explanation, and coincidence is one possibility. I can't seem to shake it off or explain it after all these years. I've never felt comfortable or any "good energy" whenever faced with a Ouija board, and I always felt a watching eye on me the times I did – not a good eye either. Part of me wonders what would have happened if we continued using it that night. We were probably fortunate we didn't take it any further. – Izzy N.


This happened to me when I was roughly 15, that age when you're curious and willing to try new things. My friend was the same, and both being quite young and naïve, we attempted a Ouija board. I was living with my mother at the time, and we waited until she was fast asleep.

We lit candles to form a circle around us. We didn't have an actual board, so we just used a piece of cardboard and a glass cup. Nothing scary or out of the ordinary happened while we were doing this... at first. We asked questions, we got answers. We laughed about it, mostly, and it became quite boring, to be honest.

But then I did something most websites strongly advise you not to do. I said to the Ouija, “Prove yourself.” My friend got quite scared and took her fingers straight off the glass cup. I laughed a little and told her she was being silly, that it was just a game. No sooner I said this than every single candle around us went out instantly. There was no wind to make this happen. And if it had just been one, it wouldn't have mattered, but ten of them went out at the exact same time.

I must admit, I was quite scared and bolted for my bedroom light. We called it a night and spent the rest of the night with the light on, telling jokes until we eventually fell asleep.

It was a few days later that the weirder stuff started happening. My stereo turned itself on one morning while everyone was still sleeping, volume to the max. My mother had teacups on display, hanging by hooks in a cupboard. We both sat at the kitchen table one day and one started swinging by itself, then another, until all of them were swinging. They picked up an extreme pace to the point where we thought they were going to swing off their hooks. Then all of them came to a complete halt at once.

I have a fear of spiders, and after that Ouija incident they seemed to be everywhere for weeks. Not just one in a room at each time, but many. Especially in my bedroom. I pulled my quilt cover back one night getting ready for bed and two spiders were crawling there in plain view. A few days later I felt something in my towel. Yep, a spider. Luckily, it never bit me.

Until we moved out of that house a few years later, I could hear muffled talking every night coming from outside of my bedroom. I'd walk out there expecting to find my mother on the phone or watching TV. It was always pitch black. But as soon as I lay in bed again, the muffled talking would resume. I put it down to my imagination, but ruled that out when eventually the muffled sounds started coming from inside my wardrobe.

Whether you believe me or not, this is 100 percent true. And one thing is for sure: Whatever we were talking to that night definitely proved itself to me. – Rhianna T.


Though I always seemed to be somewhat comfortable with the occult, especially as a teenager, I still feel lingering moments of fear that mirrored the same intensity as when I first experienced them at my 14th birthday party sleepover. I had my closest girlfriends over, one who I'll refer to as "Kelsey," who sparked my insatiable interest in provoking paranormal encounters. Looking back now, I realize how irresponsible my lack of respect for the dead was, but hindsight is always 20/20.

It was a typical hot, humid, Florida day that turned into a typical warm, sweet Florida night. My two older brothers were at friends’ houses for the night so that my eight teenage friends and I could enact some good old-fashioned mischief, as would only be expected of us. Well, we went through the usual itinerary of “truth or dare,” “light as a feather, stiff as a board,” and mani-pedis, and we hadn't even reached 11:00 p.m. With our sugar highs fading fast from boredom, we threw suggestion after suggestion out, only for each to be shot down by the majority.

Fearing my guests would give poor reviews of my first real birthday party, I dove into my collection of toys of the occult.

Now, I have to preface the rest of the story with a side story. My mother refused to allow Ouija boards in her house because of some traumatic experience she had with one when she was my age. Apparently, it was so damaging that she still to this day will not tell me what happened. You'd have to know my mother to understand the degree of horror it takes to shake her otherwise solid foundation.

Seriously, the woman is 99.9 percent of the time unscareable. My aunt (her baby sister), who obviously knows about her objection to Ouija boards, but also knew and understood my curiosity for the paranormal, hid my mom's personal childhood Ouija board in a box with a decoy birthday present to me on top to hide it from my mom.

Later that night, I pulled the Ouija from its hiding place and began my dance with the devil. Kelsey, who shared in my interest of ghosts, spirits, and the paranormal, insisted on practicing a set of chants she'd come across in one of her books of Wicca. She was obsessed with the idea of Wicca and communicating with passed souls. Being as it was my present, naturally I demanded being the first.

We sat in my living room in a circle, the Ouija board in front of me. We lit some ceremonial candles and shut off all the lights. Before I set hand on the planchette, we joined hands and closed our eyes as Kelsey began chanting ominously eerie verses. Within moments I began an almost playful conversation with a spirit who named himself David. But after a few minutes, his demeanor changed from playful to insulted after Kelsey asked a question that evidently he found insulting. He abruptly said goodbye, and suddenly the planchette flew from under my fingertips, as if someone kicked it from under my hands.

Once David spoke his last word and flung the planchette across my living room, a loud crash came from within my bedroom, which I had locked so no one could screw with me. We all flinched, momentarily paralyzed with fear, then bolted to find an explanation of the disturbance. I unlocked my door, and with all eight of the girls crouching behind me, I slowly opened my door to see nothing out of the ordinary… until I saw what looked like white sand and small pieces of debris on my black comforter.

It was dust and pieces of “popcorn” from my ceiling. (We have popcorn ceilings in our house.) I looked up because I immediately recognized what it was and, sure enough, we found the culprit. Something shining, silvery, the size of a Kennedy half dollar, but rectangular, was stuck in my ceiling. And when I say stuck, I mean there had to have been some force behind its propulsion because it was lodged about three-fourths of the way into the ceiling.

Suddenly, all of us felt a freezing cold breeze – too cold to have been our A/C because it had just moments before been turned off because we didn't want the breeze to blow out Kelsey's candles. I felt a sense of panic like I'd never felt before, but somehow I was able to remove the object. When I examined the piece of silver, I immediately recognized the picture engraved into one side of it. It was an iconic depiction of Santa Maria, but with one of the most horrifying alterations I could ever begin to conjure in my worst nightmares. Her praying hands were but bone and torn flesh. Half of her face was normal, the other half completely stripped of skin, as a skeleton. And the crucifix hanging from her decaying hands was an inverted cross.

I never felt more like I was surrounded by evil than while I held the charm in my hand. My guests, petrified but curious, inquired about what it was and wanted to see it, but I couldn't bring myself to reveal the Satanic charm, so I slipped it into my pocket and told them it must be something that fell from the attic to my ceiling, as the attic was above my room and had no flooring. Unsatisfied with the anticlimactic explanation, they shook off their suspense and herded to the fridge for snacks.

The next afternoon, after the last guest left, I pulled my mom aside to show her the charm. I laid it flat in my hand, and suddenly her eyes widened so much I thought her eyes were going to fall right out of their sockets. She covered her mouth with one hand and began sobbing uncontrollably. My dad rushed to her side and she buried her face into his shoulder. He asked what was wrong.

My mom bolted to her feet, grabbed the charm, snatched her car keys and peeled out of our neighborhood. She was gone for almost six hours. When she came home, she grabbed me by my shoulders and told me to burn the Ouija board and to never bring the charm up ever again.

She slipped and said that if I ever did something like that again that she couldn't be here if David comes back into her life after all she's done to get rid of him. She never explained what she meant by that, but every now and again, I hear a dull rumbling wheezing from the air vents in my room. I don't know who or what David is, but I fear he's snaked into my life now. – Cathy K.


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