Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tales of the Ouija- Part 12

Via paranormal.about.com by Stephen Wagner

Those who experiment with the Ouija board usually are either just looking for some entertainment or are seeking genuine answers to questions or issues important to their lives. Sometimes the responses that they get, however, are unexpected. And sometimes unwanted. Here are more true stories in our series of Tales of the Ouija:


On Halloween night, my girlfriend and I were playing on the computer. I was looking for a Ouija board to buy online, and decided that since it was Halloween I'd just look and see if there was an online Ouija. I found one with no problem.

We asked all the normal questions, like its name and all that, along with some stupid questions and gave us a nice laugh out of the whole thing.

I think it said its name was Sprite, which I really thought was funny.

After a few questions and as the joking died down, I was about to wrap it all up and get back to searching for a real board, so I asked a couple more questions:

"Where are you right now?" (Which I asked several times and always got the same response.)

CLOSE BY, it responded.



I asked one more time, "Where exactly is close by?"

My girlfriend reached over and turned off the lamp next to the bed, and just as she did that, it replied with: TOO DARK.

I typed in, "What do you mean 'too dark'?"

TOO DARK, it replied again.

So I asked if it was saying that because she turned off the light.

YES, it replied. Then I asked of it could still see us. CAN'T SEE. TOO DARK. NEED LIGHT, it replied all in one motion, which really had me more surprised as we went along.

I ended the session not long after, but the whole thing was odd to me. My girlfriend thought nothing of it, but when the thing replied TOO DARK about five seconds after she turned off the light was weird.

I just did it as a Halloween type thing, but it ended up being rather strange. It makes me wonder if it was just a random computer-generated response, or if maybe there was something controlling the thing. I guess that's why they call them mysteries though. - Shawn B.


This happened to me on March 19, 2011. I had been feeling a strange presence around me, which has made me unable to sleep. A friend of mine, who lives far away, told me one of her friends was possessed. I wanted to find out more about all this, so I decided to have a Ouija session.

There weren't any available around where I live, so I made one myself. Simple, but equally as dangerous. I organized my session in a simple way because I only planned to have a short session, aware of how dangerous this was. I placed a big orange candle at the front of my parent's room, a Bible next to it, the Ouija Board, a piece of paper and a marker.

I began with my little prayer: "I believe in spirits, white magic and elemental protection, which will be given to me and anyone near. Is there any monster, creature, spirit, or any other supernatural being who would like to speak?" I waited for a minute, and began to have doubts because this ritual took place at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Then, I felt a slight pull on my planchette. It landed on YES. I asked this being's name. It spelt out BILL. I asked if he knew about anyone who had been possessed in any way. He said NO. I asked for the man's age. He said 68.

I didn't want to make this ritual any longer, so I said, "Thank you for visiting. Good-bye." Bill didn't want to leave because I could feel the planchette move to NO. Then I said louder, "Good-bye," and the planchette was moving faster toward NO.

Then, almost yelling, I said, "Good-bye," and forced the planchette to move to GOOD-BYE. I immediately closed the board, blew out the candle and stayed still. I recorded this, so I went and turned off the camera. I felt scared, and prayed that nothing would happen.

I went to the movies later on, and when I went back home, my dad said I had to go to sleep. I said "no." He told me, "Laura, get to bed." I said no again and said I felt a strange presence. Then I was about to cry. My dad escorted me to my room, and I told him, "If you feel any paranormal activity in your room, say, 'Bill, you are unwanted. Leave.'"

Dad must've thought I was insane, but he nodded. I went to bed, heard a BANG noise. I hid under the covers until I fell asleep. - Laura S.


I live in the Northeast of England and my tale stems from when my daughter was about 13 years old. She was asking about the Ouija board and it became obvious to my wife and me that she would be experimenting at school with the Ouija. We decided that to preempt that, we would "do the Ouija" with her to show her what a bag of nonsense it was.

Boy, was I mistaken. We started with a circle of letters from A to Z and a glass as a planchette.

We all placed a finger on the glass. The glass started to move about and spelled out that my wife would die in a car crash but that it could be avoided.

After the initial shock of reading this premonition of doom, my wife and I decided that if something wanted to sucker us in to asking more questions, then this message was ideal. We decided to burn the letters and smash the glass.

The thing that really spooked me was that the glass moved so quickly that my wife and daughter could not keep a finger on it, and eventually neither could I. This bloody glass was moving on its own.

I am by trade an electronics engineer. I believe in what can be measured by an AVO (Amps Volt Ohms) meter, an oscilloscope, frequency counter or spectrum analyzer, but this was way out of my field.

I can only report what I observed. I cannot explain it, but it does tend to reinforce the biblical advice to not mess with the spirit world. That is not to say that the Bible is 100% accurate, but good advice is good advice.

- David R.


Twenty years ago, in Minneapolis, I was using a Ouija board with a girlfriend, just asking questions with no ill intent. The board started replying with positive or harmless answers. After a few minutes, however, it started spelling out more negative things: to kill my boyfriend by electrocution and other terrible ideas.

I was told by a neighbor of the apartments I lived at that the "eye" of the pointer was a window to the "other side," and that you can tap into good or evil spirits. I started having a lot of strange happenings around me, including seeing things (shadows) in my peripheral view, having sleep paralysis, and just feeling something dark around me.

I threw the board in the garbage finally. A few days later, I found the board sitting in my closet. I was freaked out and was told by my neighbor I had to burn the board to get rid of it. So I doused the board with lighter fluid and burned both the pointer and the board. I had a friend with me as support. The board was lit on fire and made a hissing, almost low screaming sound as it burned to ash.

After the ashes blew away, I had no further problems. The shadows I saw disappeared, the sleep paralysis stopped, the negative energy seemed to go away. I am not a religious person, but I am very spiritual, and I honestly believe that Oujia boards are portals and you never know what may come through. It's best not to use them - ever! - Jenny F.


Around six years ago, when I was only 17 or so in 2004, I watched a television programme in the U.K. by a well-known psychic. The show was all about Ouija boards and séances but the psychic's aim was to show how all the experiences could be faked and people would believe it if they were in the right frame of mind.

As a result of the show, my mum, my girlfriend, her sister and I decided we would try doing a Ouija board. We wrote out the letters of the alphabet, cut them out and put them in a circle. Then we used an upturned wine glass, which we all touched, then proceeded to ask if any spirits were present.

For a while, nothing happened, so we asked again. This time the glass moved to Y to represent yes. We asked if it was an evil spirit and it moved to N.

After a few more questions, my girlfriend and her sister started to think it was their granddad watching over them. They didn't know too much about him as he died when they were young. I was sceptical and maybe a tiny bit freaked out. I said it was all a load of rubbish and took my hands of the glass. After that we all gave up and went to bed.

When I came down in the morning, the letters of the board had all blown around and five of the letters ended up in a line spelling PELON. This didn't mean anything to me or anyone else at the time, but when the sisters got home, they found that their granddad used to live on Pellon road in Halifax!

This really shook me up and I have never done a Ouija board since. It may have been a coincidence but it didn't feel like it. At least it was not a bad experience though. I would like to say I now believe that Ouija boards can have some real effects... so use with care! - Dominic J.


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